View Full Version : Pets
- New Puppy Photos
- Rowdy is very sick...
- Update on Rowdy... It's not Parvo (Long post)
- Looks like we'll be putting our beloved Baxter down on Friday
- We are a little "squirrely" ...
- Rowdy Is Home...
- Lincoln's first time at the beach
- Update on our day with Baxter (our cat) - long post!
- Meet the newest member....
- Some hampster questions...
- Caution for dog owners
- Rowdy And Mj Say Thanks...
- A doggie update
- A few new pics of my dog......
- More Pet Woes
- doggie decisions...
- Jennifer, how is Renoir doing?
- I wanted to dognap a cute dog, today!
- Pet Picture and New Kitty Update
- teabear.....
- Hamster Update
- Inkinupstamps, How is your Kitty Doing?
- hooray!!
- Renoir's update
- Sherri you need this
- LOOK at what I got Robinkay for her birthday!!!
- My dog was just barking in his sleep!
- I couldnt keep the puppy...BUT...
- My dog is a dud!
- snoring dog
- here is a better picture...
- My dog and I are working on a little project.....
- My Cat
- 'Bella and the pool
- New pictures of Lucy
- getting a doggie tomorrow!!
- Colby just ate my favorite pair of flip-flops...
- here's tucker!
- Hey Shuggy
- Do you wonder what your animals are thinking??
- Cat and Dog Owners: Check this out!
- Yellow Moth
- The countdown begins!
- Struggling with a very hard decision
- Look what I found
- Not for the squeemish!
- Look at my baby...
- I am very excited to present...
- There are English Springer Spaniel pups in the paper for sale ..
- Jennifer - who is that adorable puppy in your avatar?
- puppy pics
- Hmmm I lied! I found the...
- Gabriel has arrived
- Oh Jennifer (inkinupstamps)
- sherry and lincoln
- Do you think he's fat?
- Isnt she a cutie?
- Chris (mydogstinks)
- My poor Reba is sick!
- Speaking of needing a nap..............
- Lousy stinking milk processing plants...
- An Update on Reba
- Doggie Question
- Colby went for his first swim......
- 18 pounds of big orange cat
- A neat gift
- Baw-chica-ba-wa...
- shaved kitties
- amazing cat jump
- Sherri...this one's for you!
- Spoiled or what?
- Dog Days of Summer!
- Harley riding cat!
- Poor Ladybug !! She came and found me in my stamping room today
- Check out this huge zucchini Ladybug and I found in my garden today
- Sherri
- Does your dog ring a bell??
- Just got back from the vet with Ladybug
- Diabeties and cat food
- Doggie's 1st Birthday
- Puppy issues... warning gross!!
- The next time I think getting a puppy would be fun SHOOT ME!!
- Look at our new addition ...
- This is the dog DH wanted to come home with ...
- What about the name Libby?
- Our new pup - a few things I forgot to tell ya
- New puppy photos
- Sugar you have one?
- This time tomorrow I will be going to pick up our new puppy
- Dog pics
- Need dog food advice ...
- Here is Tudi and Ladybug
- DH has thought of a name for "Tudi"
- The dogs are getting along just great so far
- We all survived the first night with Tudi (still her name)
- My Dog is so excited! (cute story)
- It's back to the Vet again...
- Sorry but I just gotta ask this ....
- question for thiose with fur babies.....
- I have 3 new loves in my life ... wanna hear?
- My wonderful perfect Tudi is not perfect anymore ...
- Tudi did much better yesterday and didn't get me up till 4 am last night UGH!
- Jennifer
- This is Tudy while I stamp ...
- How is it with all of these animals in here
- The cutest rodent ever!
- Chris
- Look what sauntered around our front yard!
- Gabriel update if you are interested.
- Poor Ladybug!! She has something called Horner's Syndrome ...
- Frito
- Help! My basements stinks!
- Four little kittens...
- Someone was shooting at my dogs
- My cat got stuck in the ceiling!
- Robinkay
- more cat drama - peppers escaped
- Scary puppy dream...
- HELP! What should I do?
- My poor 'Bella
- Hot Dog... Fred has his halloween costume...
- the comfey chair! LOL
- Halloween costumes for pets - are you getting yours one?
- what are you doing today? we are having PUPPIES!!!
- ok Robinkay has freeked me out!!
- Sherri
- new puppy pictures...
- Chris, about your puppy dream
- Oh my, oh my, oh my..................
- OK, I am annoyed
- My dog is part goat!
- Cute Cat Joke
- my mousing dog had another one!!
- pic of the puppies at 8 days old!
- You gotta see this!
- Little Bit's costume
- Look at this sweet, SWEET PUPPY!!
- Rowdy Is Gone...
- has any one heard from Mary Jayne
- Gabe-y Baby and reform school
- new pics of the puppies...
- My DH is going to kill me when he gets home
- PIC of our New Kitty
- Traci (workinforstamps) just saw your
- We celebrated Colby's 1st Birthday yesterday!
- 5 little kittens update
- Oh Deer!
- Well, kitty has a name
- Heavy Hearts Today!
- I nearly killed my granddog Levi last night (kind of long story)
- Update on Levi
- Colby attended his first Halloween party!`
- puppies puppies...PUPPIES!!!!
- puppies at 5 weeks
- I gotta tell you...
- Proof that Wiener dogs Mow!
- I'm falling in love!!!
- The grass is "crunchy" or "crispy" this morning ...
- Here is Ladybug and Tudi dressed in their bunny ears
- life lessons learned....
- Look at what was in my bed...
- Cat lovers...check this out!
- my dear sweet Cooper is gone...
- My Floyd just died!
- Gotta Love 'em!
- Wish Gabe luck....
- This is what my dog has been doing ALL DAY!
- Gabe passed his exam!
- here are a few pics of my Doodle
- DH cannot stand Tudi, our new 18 month old puppy
- Look at this cute cat
- Update on 'Bella and hello
- Bella
- This is so hard!
- 'Bella thanks her pals!
- Doggie Christmas Card question
- Look at the puppy my niece just bought.
- Tales from Stormy my dog (long story)
- thinking about getting a kitty
- Hey Jan (logcabincreations)
- Ms. Tudi is in the dog house ... and I mean literally!!!
- Sarah/loobylou
- Wanna see a cute picture?
- workin4stamps
- Jennifer(inkinupstamps)
- Zoe was spayed today
- Jennifer - how is Ms. Bella
- Need a good giggle?
- Moved the guinea pig down to the basement and I slept longer this morning ...
- hip dysplacia
- Chicago area HELP! Lost Dog!
- Anyone out there "foster" animals for shelters?
- A mouse in the house or did Ladybug think she saw Santa early this morning?
- Crazy pets and the things they make us say!!
- It could be a very long night ...
- Had another strange night with Ladybug again last night ...
- My foster kitty got adopted!
- my frantic...I was freeked out search for the lost puppies!!
- I miss my Zoe!
- miss Doodle says it's bed time
- Erin -- What happened to Sassy
- This is how Colby is spending his New Year's Day...
- I really really really hope this link works!! Check out my baby!
- I got my new lenses!
- Look what Mama kitty did!
- ARGHHHHH... My Puppy ate my SU order
- Check out Cheeto, the cupcake kitty!
- Peeps on my cat
- My cat
- Does this look like the face of a thief?
- Stuff on my mutt
- camera shy
- Things on MY CAT!!!~photos added
- stuff on my cat
- Funny Cat Stories...
- Doodles new dress...
- Got Pets?~Sign in HERE!
- Help stop whaling
- Happy Doggie Day
- Here's a pic of my dog Stormy
- I'm having a baby!
- lookie, lookie, at what I am thinking about
- We have a puppy after all!
- He's home! Cheeto is home!!
- The puppy lady called me
- Tudi was such a good girl while I was gone
- I need a name for our new baby.
- Check out this cute You Tube video (especially cat owners)
- Looks like tomorrow is puppy day.
- Ellie, did you pick up Zoe's baby sister today?
- funny dog story....involves you have been warned!!
- We have a name
- Introducing Miss Molly!
- I need your good thoughts and wishes.
- I have a puppy question
- Our guinea pig Max has quit eating
- Ellie how is Molly adjusting ???
- New puppy pics
- Sherri, how is Max doing this morning?
- Ellie---how is Molly doing?
- Max passed away last night and is now in guinea pig heaven ...
- Dog show subpost- Pedigree commercials
- Cute photos from the Westminster Dog Show
- Not to brag but....
- Poor Tudi can't eat breakfast this morning and she is not a happy camper ...
- The Beagle took Best in show!
- Any Shackies who have handled dogs in the show ring?
- Sherri, I must have missed a post
- Calling all Talented Dogs (and their owners)
- The Alpaca show is coming back to Concord this weekend
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