View Full Version : Daily Dish
- prayers, healing thoughts, etc needed for MIL
- i've been swallowed up by my craft closet!!
- Erin K - thanks for the vintage images
- I wonder how many trick or treaters we will get.
- pea'd my cleaning frenzy!!
- My kids are already on a sugar high!
- Well I
- Well, it's 630pm (1 hour into darkness)
- I am making 50 Christmas cards for a friend
- Can't sleep after emergency vehicles left neighborhood
- Today feels like a Monday to me since we had no school the past 2 days
- Halloween Candy -
- I need a lesson in how to say no!
- Time to change my signature line
- Goodbye October...Hello November!
- I'm Gonna Crop Friday
- Whew!
- I'm sooooo Excited... My TAC stuff came today
- ISO pumpkin recipes - anything with pumpkin. I just love pumpkin!!
- Would anyone like to come chat w me ?
- Isn't today Pumpkin Pie Blizzard Day?
- We are all invited to a ball... hehe
- Has anyone ever played bejewled
- They liked the "Bag Lady"
- Poor Ladybug (my doggie) has a yeast infection ...
- mj/kreativedryve
- Ugliest PP (or What Was I Thinking?)
- I really love how this card came out ...
- Arg! Matey's
- Okay, who wants to see the jogging pants?
- I posted my altered scroll in the gallery
- i have lost it...
- # of Postings -
- My Santa came, my Santa came --- woo hoo, I am jumping with joy!!
- I need some creative ideas please
- Woo hoo - I made it to 500 posts
- My son's school is having their fall carnival tonite from 5-9 pm
- Whaaa... I wanted to make something today but
- I'm going to make Nicholas' teacher a dozen of those Pittsburg Steeler cards
- How about a dinner poll?
- Oh my heck Sherri, you've ruined me forever!
- Did you see this update on April Inkyhands?
- oh my cuteness!!
- Joanne
- ww 0 point soup?????????????????
- I am back from the fall festival and I think I have frostbite on my toes!! HA HA
- I just got a call from my boss and . . .
- Stephen is sick!
- I brought my beautiful stamped image of Santa with me to the carnival.
- I don't normally do this but . . .
- All Hail Top Poster Sherri!!
- WW Pumpkin Mousse Recipe
- Bad hair days....ugh!
- Anybody in a local Scrapbook Club?
- Hey I told my sister about this new site.
- Sherri
- Big Bro is watching you
- I think I am going to make FarNorth's Pumpkin Chili tonite..
- Alli from the UK - where are you hiding?
- Good Friday Morning To YOU!
- Did u see Dr. Oz on Oprah yesterday? He said to maintain a healthy weight women must
- Moving Slow this Morning
- Santa came to town yesterday!!!!
- I would like to chanllenge you all and myself
- Link for Shrinky Dink Plastic
- Tried a yummy cake last night
- Stephen's fine today, no fever!
- Question?
- Michaels Scrapbook discovery day...
- Today is our baby's 2nd bday. I'm kinda
- Question - I don't like to refer to our ds
- Who else has a cutterpede paper cutter?
- My Santas are in the process of "drying". Their glasses that is.
- I think either Julie Gerovac or Julie Lomax said they wished they had a copy
- Run to the gallery and check all of my Santa cards. I made 6 different ones!!
- I heard the clickety clack of reindeer hooves
- Excuse me Ms. Iloveflipflops
- just went to the cat room in time
- Need advice on address labels for Canadian addresses.
- Jan Far North - I did not make your Pumpkin Chili as I was hoping tonite
- Ms. Iloveflipflops
- More Puppies! More Puppies!
- Happy 48th Birthday Linda!!!
- Jack Frost must've came last night. There is FROST everywhere.
- I'm getting into the Christmas spirit... my radio station is playing ALL CHRISTMAS
- If you want to listen to Christmas music on the web, go here:
- For the first time ever...I didn't have fun at crop!!
- Santa in the gallery
- How big and strong is she?
- I'm kicking myself for not getting
- I may get to go to M's today!
- I'm so excited ...I'm heading out to the LSS
- Today is my cardmaking
- I am an official Stamp Addict!
- Double Post oops!
- My Crop experience last night....
- For those over 40, maybe you can relate to this poem like i can. hee hee
- 14 things to do at the store whn your waiting for someone...
- Yoo Hoo Tami ~ Teabear! : )
- Santa Stamp
- Cool day
- Im so disappointed...
- It's 2 in the morning here & I can't sleep
- New's about Firecracker1971 (Heather)
- Wake up, wake up ... Its 8 am on Sunday morning :).
- Outlet Store Shopping....
- CindeeQ - is that you?????
- With Thanksgiving being 3 weeks away, looks like my MIL is coming from VA
- I've leaned SO much from is the ultimate question:
- What's on the menu tonight????
- Guess who is sitting up
- World's Shortest Fairy Tale
- I made my first ever jewerly
- Honey I'm Home!
- Oh I almost forgot
- Chris - mydogstinks........
- Ok i have a question....
- Hello FRom Colorado!...
- I need Yahoo Mail help
- How is that sick cat?
- Important reminder - Christmas is ONLY 48 days away!
- Have you seen this Christmas Fudge poem? It cracks me up :)
- The Boys...
- father christmas paper
- It's just another Maniac Monday!!
- Question regarding Dinner
- what is a girl to do (or get!)...
- What dept. of the craft store do you find Liquid Applique??
- New Stamps at Ms ...
- I just noticed the strangest thing...
- Has anyone received their Christmas
- Erin K is brilliant!
- Had the best weekend!
- Man, have I got a headache!
- I got leaves from Margo and tags from Sherri today
- Mindy Sue, are you here?
- Yippeeee!!! (I got the tags from Sherri today.
- My pumpkin chili is cooking on the stove as I type this
- hooray!!
- Still waiting on my TAC New Demo Kit....
- Y'all must think I've fallen off the face of the earth
- Yummy Yummy Yummy I've got pumpkin in my tummy!
- Anybody want to chat?
- HUGE Cricut news....
- I had very good intentions this morning of walking for 30 minutes today
- don't want to ruffle feathers ? bout other
- just testing the quote option
- i know its late
- No school for the kiddos today due to voting in the schools
- Today is Voting Day!!
- Beautiful New Tub
- Is this the terrible two's?
- Back from DD"s physical she had to get to play soccer.
- I'm sorry , I know it seems like I have been complaining alot
- Do you love it or hate it. A poll
- iloveflipflops...should be iloveposting!!
- Britney filed for divorce today!!
- DD in trouble, date with DH is off.
- Getting my TAC discontinued stamp
- This month stinks.......
- anyone wanna chat before i go do school work????
- I just discovered the COOLEST THING!!
- Michael's by us is opening in 2 days
- what is your new name on ss what was it
- Finally Inked Up my Shack Santa
- I love my kids but I am glad there is school again today. LOL
- sick 1st grader
- I'm feeling very old! YIKES!
- I was supposed to get my carpet cleaned today....
- Wasn't that poll fun?
- When do you do the most crafting?
- So, it's Nov. 8th and I live in Denver
- has anyone tried the Storybook Creator from CM?
- Just posted my christmas card in the gallery if you wanna take a look
- Can we talk about Weight Watchers?
- Santa finally got inked in Ohio
- Thanksgiving is just 2 weeks away from tomorrow, how are your Christmas cards coming?
- Did anyone else get a package from PC?
- DD came home from school today with a drivers ed form
- Time to change my signature line again
- Where would you like to spend Christmas?
- Did anyone see Kirstie Alley in her bikini on Oprah on Monday?
- Speaking of Oprah, set your tivos next Friday 11/17 ...
- Is anyone else besides me watching Dancing w/Stars?
- Hey grammastamper
- Stamper's "GTKY" poll...
- April - Inkyhands I am so glad to see you FINALLY are able to post
- Here is my Hot Cocoa Recipe for those who want it or need it
- I finally have a moment to chat...
- First night alone in new place!
- I have an actual rubber stamp that has the hot cocoa mix recipe on it
- I can't get that tile video to play!
- SSsssssswwwwwaaaaaappppppppp!!!!
- Enjoy pomegrantes without the cleaning mess
- Insomniac Scrapbooker is on the loose again!
- FUNNY: Should I have a child or buy a dog?
- Going to be away for the next 36 hours
- Altered File Folder
- Hot Cocoa images are going out to the following swappers today:
- So ... what is on the agenda today?
- Linda Shaw - please pm or email me
- I will not sit here on my computer all day.....
- Envelopes be mailed today to.....
- Hey Just Julie!
- So I made it out alive .
- My Hobby Lobby FINALLY has Basic Gray paper on its shelves
- I found these neat glass ornaments at ACMoore for 70 cents each
- I'm feeling good..
- What's wrong with me?
- What is the newest paper called by Basic Gray?
- Need computer help
- Anyone on right now want to help me?
- I posted 2 good Santa cards and 1 not so good pink/purple ornament
- Just posted a Santa in my favorite color
- I am looking to add an avatar to my name.
- All you weight watchers, you need to try these 1 point muffins - they are great!
- Hi everyone!
- Another Santa in Orchid
- How in the heck can I have almost 800 posts?
- Julie - Jdpisces - you must be back at work
- Am I the only one who gets a complex...
- I can't help myself! The veggie dresses are so cute!
- Gossip on PC board
- Question about Online Auctions
- More Veggie Dresses Come Look!
- Wanna see my Candy Cane Card?
- Another Lockhart Stamp
- Julie,Angie,Tami and the rest ofyou chatters
- Another no school day here for us.
- Do we have mail service today?
- Why am I having problems entering the
- How I colored in my Santa's glasses with dimensional glaze and ...
- Happy Friday, everyone!
- I'm baaaack!
- Anybody got a few minutes to help me out today?
- Going to a crop again tonight
- Spartymom--I love your avatar
- OK gals I need help with a Christmas gift for my dad.
- Erin Has a super freakout!
- Are we going to have Friday night happy hour tonite in the chat room?
- Tami, how was the stamp store? What did you find?
- Never got our 150 bulbs planted but I did get my stamp room
- I think the cold front's here!
- OMGosh-Traci-this thing is HUGE!
- Hi everyone!
- OMG - my super surprise box is SUPER
- Gift containers for hot cocoa
- My eyelids are so heavy, i don't think I can make it to happy hour tonite
- where do you get addresses to "shack"?
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