View Full Version : Erin...how are you today?

05-18-2007, 01:19 PM
Are you feeling better? How are the boys doing? Summer colds stink!

05-18-2007, 01:20 PM
Hope you're feeling much better Erin. Do you have any big plans for the weekend? Maybe you can lay low and rest all weekend :)

Erin K
05-18-2007, 02:46 PM
I'm a lot better but not all better.

Boys are much better, you can tell because I put them down for naps two hours ago and I still hear them giggling in there! STINKERS! heehee

No big plans, I want to go to the Chinese place tomorrow for lunch and by golly I'm gonna! Other than that and Church nothing.

05-18-2007, 10:38 PM
I am glad you are all feeling somewhat better.
Don't you love listening to your kids when they don't know you are? Sometimes they say the cutest things!