View Full Version : Need help with Douglas Florian Poem "My Monster"

07-04-2007, 08:11 AM
Does anyone know the words to the Douglas Florian Poem "My monster" ???
I know the last line is something like "that's not a monster, that's my teacher"
I have googled it and found out the poem is in a book called "Bing Bang Boing" by Douglas Florian
I want it for a friend's son to read for an English Board exam.
I wonder if any teacher Shack members may have a copy??? Heather? Kerry? anyone else, I'd really appreciate it

07-04-2007, 10:52 AM
My library has it but I can't get it today 'cause it's a holiday. Hopefully, I can pick it up tomorrow & I'll send you the poem.

07-04-2007, 06:42 PM
Thanks so much Suzi. That would be awesome
If you could email me the words I can get him practicing in the school holidays.

07-06-2007, 09:31 AM
Hey there Suzi, did you get to the Library yet? No pressure, I will try another of my libraries next week too. My school library didn't have it.
If anyone else has this poem or knows it, that would be great

07-06-2007, 09:36 AM
It's still showing "in transit". I'm leaving early Sunday morning so hopefully, it'll get there today or tomorrow. I also "ordered" those Janet Evanovich books. #3 is ready but the other 2 are in transit. Yikes, I can't read them out of order, can I???

07-06-2007, 09:49 AM
Thanks Suzi. I haven't read those books, but i think reading in order would be best!!! I am reading Nora Roberts at the moment- when I can step away from the computer!!

07-06-2007, 10:46 AM

I just called my DH(he works at the library). The don't have a copy at his branch, but they do have one a the branch about 15 miles away. I can 't get there today (they close at 5 on fridays) but I will take a run down there tomorrow and copy the poem for you if you haven't got it by then. Will this work ok?

07-06-2007, 10:55 AM
that would be wonderful, if it is not too much trouble. Are you sure that's OK? I love how friendly and helpful you guys are. Thanks. I will PM you if i get it before then

07-06-2007, 05:16 PM
Sarah, the book is in. I'm going in tomorrow morning (or maybe tonite if I get any energy: too long at the pool zapped anything I had) and I'll PM or email you the info. :)

07-07-2007, 04:15 PM
I'm PMing you too but here it is:

I saw a monster
Ghastly and green
I saw a monster
Nasty and mean
I saw a monster
A horrible creature
That's no monster--
That's my teacher!

07-07-2007, 09:01 PM
Thanks Suzi. You are a sweetie. I had a pm from Cheri too. I love my Shack friends-
and what a funny poem