View Full Version : Doggie Question

07-21-2007, 03:33 PM
How much does your doggie/kitty shed? Man, I haven't been able to vacuum in awhile and I think I have enough hair to make a whole other dog!

07-21-2007, 04:03 PM
My dog sheds like CRAZY. Especially right now. Spring and Summer is the worst. I have a bagless vacuum, and every time I vacuum, I have to empty out my dirt cup, and it will be FULL of hair. That is from sweeping out his crate, plus I pull it out and vacuum behind it and underneath it (this is where MOST of the hair comes from), and then I vacuum my whole house and usually the upholstered furniture too. By the time I am done, there is a TON. I actually just did this about an hour ago. I vacuum about every other day here. It is unvelievable.

So, you're not alone!


07-21-2007, 04:25 PM
I would wager to say that no one has as much dog hair shedding as I do. Even though we have hardwood floors they are actually now fur covered. I can sweep three times a day and it is still abundant.

Newfoundlands shed, or as it is called, blow their puppy coat, in the spring and fall but 'Bella just doesn't stop and it comes out in huge clumps. You'd think she'd be bald but she isn't. Grooming is a huge responsibility I have with my dogs and is probably the only negative (if you have a fear of dog hair) of Newfs. Otherwise, I have no complaints at all. I just sweep and sweep and swifter and vac.


07-21-2007, 04:31 PM
We are lucky. Ladybug doesn't shed very much at all.

07-21-2007, 04:53 PM
My dog is a crazy shedder! We got used to it though. We get "tumble weeds" of her fur that occassionally roll across the tile! Ha Ha Ha. She isn't allowed on the furniture so at least that stays hair free!

07-21-2007, 04:53 PM
Cooper sheds like a banshee! We have Brazillian Cherry Hardwds on most of the main level and he's white w/ brown spots so, those lovely hairs just "POP" against my very dark floors. Oh well, as Jennifer says, "sweep and sweep, swifter, vaccum" and then, start all over again!


07-21-2007, 04:55 PM
Cooper sheds like a banshee! We have Brazillian Cherry Hardwds on most of the main level and he's white w/ brown spots so, those lovely hairs just "POP" against my very dark floors. Oh well, as Jennifer says, "sweep and sweep, swifter, vaccum" and then, start all over again!


Cathi I remember seeing a photo of your GORGEOUS Brazillian Cherry Hardwood floors. I'm afraid I committed the sin of envy when I saw them. Such beautiful floors! I bet even with dog hair on them they are gorgeous! :cute:

07-21-2007, 07:07 PM
Jiggs doesn't shed a whole lot either. I'm so glad of that!

07-21-2007, 07:18 PM
We have 3 dogs in my house. Moses is part lab/part akita. He has the thick akita undercoat that sheds like crazy (big clumps that we call puppies) and again in the fall (not as bad as the spring) and pretty consistently the rest of the year. His fur is dark blond. Then, Paris, the chocolate lab isn't as bad but still a consistent shedder. Lastly, the corgi is small and sheds just a little all year round. We have fake hardwood and it is such a blessing. It's so much easier than carpet. We also get the tumbleweeds. The hair forms clump that like to hide under the bed, under chairs, and behind doors. I just got a new brush for moses that is supposed to get his undercoat. I'm hoping that if I use it consistently that we will have less shedding in the house. I'm crossing my fingers.

07-21-2007, 07:20 PM
shed tons!!!! they are persains and very VERY hairy!
I never leave the house without taking enough cat hair with me to knit with! lol
oh well, I love my little furballs