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07-27-2007, 01:24 PM
I swear yesterday was just the day to beat all days!!:arghh:

Let me tell you about it!

My sister and me are selling some stuff on ebay. That is going great! We get our boxes all packaged up, we went to the post office website to know how much things were gonna cost. There were two packages going over seas, we had looked them up before hand to let the people know how much the shipping was. You would think that would work, well wrong! We get to our hillbilly post office and the two over seas packages are twice what the web site said they were!! TWICE!!

I asked how this could be right, the lady just looked at me. So I ask again, same dumb look.

Ok I work in customer service so if the customer says that something is not right I'm gonna try to figure out who is wrong them or me.

So I ask again if the web site we go to is giving us the wrong info our did she type something wrong. Well guess what she dosen't know, still with dumb look, she may have had to go potty?!?

Fine we just pay for opur stuff hope the people like the dolls we paid for them to have!

We go home and I'm looking at our reciept, so I have to ask a dumb question. Is the United Kingdom in Canada?? We all know the answer is no. She is sending our package to canada!!! We call, she goes to look, yep it's going to Canada. We don't want it to go to Canada I say!! Oh you don't stupid says. Um no that is why ever thing I wrote and filled out say " UNITED KINGDOM!!"

Oh well then that will be $4.00 more you will have to come in and pay before I can send it. :shocked:

Fine I just need this stuff sent I go pay, We walk in and she says to me quote: "I'm glad you caught your mistake before that was sent." end quote!

I totally lost it however not at her. I just turned around walked out and called the post office 1-800 number. After yell at the computer for 10 minutes until it got me to a human I explained the whole story to them. I swear they must have thought I was making it up! I told the lady you can't make this stuff up. That woman totally has no clue she is one of those people that you wonder just how they manage to get their shoes tied.

Erin K
07-27-2007, 01:29 PM

reason 135 you should move here, my PO are not idiots.

07-27-2007, 01:38 PM
OMG! How dumb can people be? That lady needs to be reported to the manager of the local PO so something can be done. Then, to even think that it was your mistake and not hers. I would have lost it with her, for sure. You have the patience of Job, Chris.

07-27-2007, 01:51 PM
wow you did have an interesting day...i can't stand to deal with people who have no idea what is going on. it is like all the lights were on in her head but NO ONE was HOME ;) hehehhehe sorry for your day maybe things will get better for you and the next time you go there she will be gone. :)

07-27-2007, 02:42 PM
Holy Cow Chris, what a fiasco...sounds like you need chocolate!

07-27-2007, 03:00 PM
Good grief...I feel your pain....reminds me of last week when I took my two teenage sons to JC Penney Salon for hair cuts.....two old ladies working there (what's with that? at JC Penney for goodness sakes!) and one lady cut my son's hair into a bowl....he's 17 and mortified!.....he said "don't you know how to do the high and tight military haircut?.....uh.......let me ask Vicky (the other old lady)........you'll have to let her do it.....I usually don't cut boys hair! Geez.

07-27-2007, 03:06 PM
WOW. Just WOW. I admire your ability to hold your fists down and not deck that postal worker. God knows I would be sittin in jail on assault charges if something like that happened to me.

CANADA!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? What the heck???

07-27-2007, 03:11 PM
underwear roller/taper/inspector........:wacko:

07-27-2007, 03:20 PM
Jan......OMG! LOL!!!!!

07-27-2007, 03:58 PM
underwear roller/taper/inspector........:wacko:

LMAO!! Perfect job for her!

07-27-2007, 04:34 PM
What a day you had, l would have lost it aswell. l am so sick of dealing with people like that to. you should report her to many people getting away with this ***

07-27-2007, 08:02 PM
underwear roller/taper/inspector........:wacko:

I swear if I had my drink of water in my mouth when I read your response, I would have showered my monitor! I'm laughing so hard! That is the perfect job for her!

07-27-2007, 09:24 PM
I agree......and those people who still haven't sent me my Gift Maker Magazine but yet they sent me a "Past-Due Bill Notice" are going to go work with the post office lady at the underwear factory! Sorry....kidding aside....I don't want MY new undies tampered with......lol.......I'll just shop at VS and pick them out........unrolled and untaped.