View Full Version : Anyone grow strawberries? (potted)

07-29-2007, 07:35 PM
This spring I bought 2 strawberry plants and planted them in a hanging pot. I got about 10 strawberries of them (albeit tiny ones :cute:) and then they stopped growing strawberries, which I figure is fine since they are new plants.
My question is...where do I pick off the vines that have grown over the side? I have the little buds (daughter plants, I read they are called), but Im not sure if I snap them off where the mother plant put out the vine, or where the vine inserts into the daughter plant, or if it even makes a difference?
Ive got about 5 vines hanging over the side that have 2 daughter heads on each vine...these things grow like wild fire! lol
TIA! :notworthy:

07-29-2007, 07:53 PM
Wish I knew the answer, but I don't! Just wanted to say HI and good to see you on the board! What have you been up to?

07-29-2007, 08:58 PM
I have strawberry plants but they are on the ground. I just leave the shoots & they spread the strawberry vines. I have no idea what to do w/them when they hang. We didn't get many strawberries this year or last year. The good ones got ate by the bunnies & the left the funky, mis-shapen ones. I guess they weren't dumb bunnies!

I've missed seeing you around too. Hope all is well w/you!

07-29-2007, 11:27 PM
I have a couple strawberry plants in pots that I've had for a few years. I think they do better in the ground. I usually snap it off close to the daughter plant. I dont think it makes much of a differece. It also sounds like you have June bearing plants, they will only put strawberries on for a short time. I haven't had much luck with mine, I get about 20 strawberries from each plant but at different times, usually just about 4 at a time. I eat two and give two to my dog! :D

07-30-2007, 01:53 AM
Wish l could help, l have only seen them in the ground, did you check out the web yet? or try going to a garden centre, sorry thats all the help l can offer

Far North
07-30-2007, 03:21 AM
Yes, unfortunately it doesn't sound like you have ever-bearing plants. Most strawberries only produce once a season.
Good to see ya!...Jan

07-30-2007, 10:28 AM
Thanks everyone! I guess Ill just pluck them off and stick them in the same pot (theres plenty room) and see what happens.
Im actually sort of glad that they dont continually grow berries....fighting off the squirrels is a full time job in itself....lol The berries only got a little bigger than my thumb nail but they zero'd in on them fast!

Im doing ok. Ive only got 2 more weeks of class left and them Im off for a few weeks before fall starts. Im actually waiting for my hair to dry right now and then Im off to school to study for a test we have tomorrow. Its a good thing I love to drive or Id be insane right now...lol Its a 40 mile each way drive for me. I cant wait until fall quarter when I only have to be up there for one out of my 3 classes!
If I dont check back in before then...see you in a couple of weeks when I can become a slug again...LOL!