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View Full Version : question for thiose with fur babies.....

08-13-2007, 12:10 PM
I myself don't have one but Df does, but shes not young , actually she will be 19 in sept. Well, we had a scare yesterday with her. At night she sleeps on the flloor at the end of our bed on a rug. I got up yresterday and was going to let her out and it took her forever to get up and (DF said that she was shivering earlier that morning so he covered her up) Well, she finally got up but was still shaking, and we went downstairs and she pee'd on the carpet. ( she never does this unless you piddled around letting her out)I let her outsided and went about nmt bunisness of cleaning up the house. i never heard a peep from her ( she usely barks when she wants in) I got done doing my stuff and went to check on her ( its been a 1'2 a hour now) I look out and shes layting on the sidewalk and theres a puddle of drool on the side walk in fron't of her and when i open the door the shakly stands up and she was laying in her own poop (sorry) and her eyes are cloudy and shes still shaking. I go get DF and he checks her and it seems like she can only see movement . we were going to my parents to swim so he decided to leave her and if she passed away then it was to be. but when we came home from taking Megan home Lady was like a pup jumping around and barking, so im not sure what was wrong w her. (Shes not been like this except for the last couple weeks.)

ok now for my question, what do you think was wrong? could her body be failing her? is there any signs we need to look for? THe vet says shes old and shes losing her mind and that we could put her down , but shes such a sweet dog and DF can't even begin to think about putting her down. He wants her to go natually and peaceful.

08-13-2007, 12:27 PM
She's an old girl. I don't know, but it sounds like she is having troubles. As long as she isn't suffering, keep her comfortable. It's so hard to put a dog down, we had to do it and it still hurts to think about it.

08-13-2007, 01:43 PM
19 is old for a dog. I agree with Tami, if she doesn't seem to be suffering, i would just let her be. Its so hard having pets and knowing what the right thing to do is ...

08-13-2007, 02:07 PM
It's so hard when pets get old.
I wonder if she had seizures
I'm just guessing, here, but I wonder?
Best wishes with your dear furbaby!

08-13-2007, 03:14 PM
What you described was so scary...I would have ran right to the Dr...It sounds like she was having some sort of seizure to me too...I would for sure watch her and pray that she wasn't in any pain...,


08-13-2007, 04:55 PM
My first thought was also seizure or possible stroke. I know when people get older they can have "mini-strokes".

08-13-2007, 05:10 PM
i don't know about the what happened,
but holy cow that is OLD for a doggy...

I can understand the not wanting to put her to sleep, but one thing about that is although it will tear you apart,

it happens very very quickly for them. ( before the syringe is empty) so the suffering part is not there. is none, and some peoples vets will do this as a home call?? just a thought to keep in mind, incase you do have to do it,
she is not going to suffer like you guys will...