View Full Version : Ok, now I need to know....

10-04-2007, 02:33 PM
This is CA Thanksgiving weekend?

1) do y'all do it like the US; turkery, dressing & all?
2) do y'all celebrate Columbus day? Does he affect your history like the US? I mean, since he didn't really discover either the US or CA. I think I need to know more about CA history. Who discovered Canada? Did you have different settlers than the US? What are you giving thanks for? (not that you NEED a reason, just curious).

10-04-2007, 02:54 PM
Okay - I'm not Canadian, but I was curious too. Here's a website that I found:
www.twilightbridge.com/hobbies/festivals/thanksgiving/canada/ (http://www.twilightbridge.com/hobbies/festivals/thanksgiving/canada/)

Is it accurate?

10-04-2007, 03:20 PM
I've often wondered this too! My3Ds - that website is interesting. It did answer a couple questions. But I'm still curious -

on Thankgiving in Canada - do y'all have a big feast with family/friends? Is it a holiday that you get off work and most places of business are closed, like in the U.S.?

10-04-2007, 03:55 PM
This is CA Thanksgiving weekend?

1) do y'all do it like the US; turkery, dressing & all?
2) do y'all celebrate Columbus day? Does he affect your history like the US? I mean, since he didn't really discover either the US or CA. I think I need to know more about CA history. Who discovered Canada? Did you have different settlers than the US? What are you giving thanks for? (not that you NEED a reason, just curious).

1. Yes, turkey is a popular Thanksgiving meal. In fact, it just isn't Thanksgiving without turkey in my opinion. Love the dressing and all the extras. My Mom used to have 30 - 35 people for Thanksgiving dinner and cook 2 turkeys at 24 lbs. each. It is a huge feast for us.

2. We do not celebrate Columbus Day in Canada, unfortunately. Canada was first discovered by John Cabot, then Champlain and Cartier got into the act as well. A lot of our settlers came from the US when the US decided to fight the British for their freedom. We have a group known as the Loyalists, those who were loyal to the British crown and left the US for Canada. As for time frames, I'd have to go check the history books.

And here endeth today's history lesson. LOL!

10-04-2007, 03:56 PM
yes it is a big holiday we get time off work and do the turkey, dressing and much more. the first thanksgiving was in 1578 in Newfoundland when an English explorer named Martin Frobisher gave thanks for arriving safely after a long ocean voyage.
It was also a European tradition to celebrate harvest in Oct.
Thanksgiving finally became a proper national holiday in 1879 set for Nov. 6th of each year.
In 1957 the Canadian goverment reset the date to the 2nd Mon. of Oct. emphasizing it as " A DAY OF THANKSGIVING TO ALMIGHTY GOD FOR THE BOUNTIFUL HARVESTING IS DONE IN EARLY FALL.
l myself give thanks to God and our fathers and grandfathers for our freedom, but l do feel sad that our goverment today have know idea of giving thanks to God, in fact they work very hard to take God out and put man in.

10-04-2007, 04:18 PM
Thank you ladies for that info!

Eat some turkey and dressing for me on Monday! :D

10-04-2007, 06:44 PM
Thanks for the info. One more question (I haven't had time to read thru that website yet): I would assume that y'all had "native Americans" when Mr. Cabot "found" Canada. Were your native Americans treated better than ours? I'll go check out that website now.