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View Full Version : Dipping strawberries in Chocolate question

02-13-2009, 06:15 PM
I want to dip strawberries in chocolate for tomorrow night when we have company. I like to do it early so the strawberries kind of "sweat" into the chocolate...my question:
I usually use "almond bark" but the store was all out..imagine!
So, I got Bakers semi-sweet chocolate in the box. Have any of you used that before for strawberries? If so, should I add anything to it? vanilla? sugar...whatever...I've just never used it...
(I'm too tired/lazy to go to any more stores)
Thanks. :)

02-13-2009, 06:48 PM
I've never done it, always wanted to,

I found this link for you:


02-13-2009, 06:53 PM
I have Cheryl, bakers is good. I would suggest melting it, dip in a finger..if it's not the way you like it add a little vanilla, but I think it's good the way it is. if you have never dipped strawberries before the biggest secret is be SURE your strawberries are dry, or it will "freeze up" your chocolate.
have fun & enjoy

02-13-2009, 07:05 PM
I usually dip them in melted chocolate bar or chips. I've never tried bakers before, I always thought that was bitter. I agree with Cindi, though, that the key is to have dry fruit!

Far North
02-13-2009, 07:17 PM
Cheryl, if you do these early do you really think you can keep your hands off of them LOL??

I would expect your bakers chocolate will be fine but ahhh good question. When I made chocolates I was told it would seperate the natural oil if you added things like sugar or flavoring but I believed the teacher and never tried. To me that always meant they would a glossy exterior. Perhap that doesn't matter to you or you may want to experiment with a smaller amount first.

02-13-2009, 07:55 PM
Do you have access to Michael's or Hobby Lobby? They sell melting chocolate in the baking aisle. I used to do that before I could find almond bark readily available.

02-13-2009, 09:51 PM
Thank you for the link and suggestions, ladies. Also, I 'd like to know how jan knows me so well, ie:

Cheryl, if you do these early do you really think you can keep your hands off of them LOL??

I am still determined to keep my weight OFF so I can only eat a little at a time.....
Thanks again!

02-13-2009, 10:00 PM
I always add a 1/2 square of paraffin wax. If the chocolate is unsweetened I melt it with the wax, stirring every few seconds ( I melt mine in the microwave). I taste it and if it's too bitter I add a little sugar and stir until the sugar has blended itself in.

I made chocolate covered strawberries a couple of weeks ago for Drew's birthday and I bought a plastic container of chocolate dip in the produce section of our grocery store. It was easy and the strawberries were yummy.