View Full Version : Nicholas got sent to the assistant principal's office

05-01-2009, 02:34 PM
He was goofing around, they gave him numerous warnings and he just kept on disrupting the class. They called me and I was just speechless.

I met with his teacher last week because he got a "D" on his report card in Science and she said it was just numerous things. Not turning in homework, not completing his work, etc. so we talked to him and told him to focus, quit talking, quit interrupting the class, and now this.

I have no idea how to punish him because he doesn't go anywhere or do anything. He's always HOME!!

Tomorrow is his birthday too - the big 14! Oh joy!

05-01-2009, 02:37 PM
Early bedtime??? That's what worked w/my Nick. His sister got to stay up until 10 but he had to go at 9:30. Got him to FOCUS!!! and apply himself. He brought all his grades back up. Then he got sloppy & skipped a book report & didn't even try for extra credit, back to 9:30. Amazing how fast it worked for us! He also gets grounded from his video games/computer/tv. If we REALLY want to punish him, we make him read! LOL

05-01-2009, 03:04 PM
The ultimate punishment for a teenage boy -- read a classic book. Then make him write a short essay on it. If he didn't want to do the extra credit for class; make him do it for you. If he refuses, then take all his fun time away: video games, computer, etc. but don't make the punishment so bad or so long that you don't follow through with it.

05-01-2009, 04:24 PM
He is writing his teacher an apology letter now and he will have to give it to her on Monday.

05-01-2009, 05:11 PM
No Birthday presents tomorrow. - Nancy

05-01-2009, 06:38 PM
That is a tough one. Summer is getting here and it makes it harder for them to focus in class. Good Luck!!

05-01-2009, 07:05 PM
I say he doesn't get to do anything special for his birthday! It's tough but it will for sure make him perk right up. Then in a week or two, if he straightens up, you can surprise him and give him his birthday then. I like your idea of the letter to the teacher too. That might be enough to embrass him and make him act better in class.

05-01-2009, 07:05 PM
Is the material too hard? Is he not able to understand it all? Half the time, I want to give the kid the benefit of the doubt, and say he was 'on track' and then somewhere along the way, he started to get lost and stopped understanding what was being taught. No pointing fingers at anyone....sometimes the stuff could be just way over the kid's head. The other half of the time, kids are just plain goofy, too lazy, too distracted, or just don't give a rat's butt about learning. I would ask him to report to you each and every day EXACTLY what was taught in each and every class and whether or not he understood the material; check on his homework; ask him to write out a schedule for papers, projects and whatever else that is coming up due now until the end of the school-year. Then, make sure he stays on task. It's going to be painful for you and him because it's so much more work than he's used to; but I think the problem (like you said) is truly the lack of focus. It's not that Nicholas isn't a sharp kid..... he's probably thinking of summer vacation, already and just can't stay focused.

I like Joanne's idea of punishment (reading a classic novel and writing an essay). That made me laugh. What Nancy said also made me laugh (no birthday presents). I hope that whatever 'punishment' you choose, or however you handle this, it will stick. The 'wrath of mom' always works in my house. Good luck, Sherri.

05-01-2009, 07:30 PM
You could threaten to buzz cut his hair since he really prefers to wear it long. (just kidding of course). I have no advice for ya -- sorry.

05-01-2009, 07:34 PM
I'm sure you'll do what's best for Nicholas. That's wonderful that you're making him write an apology! That's an excellent lesson! Too many parents try to make excuses for their children's behavior or blame the teacher. They do eventually grow up Sherri...hang in there!! :) hugs...

05-01-2009, 07:38 PM
You could threaten to buzz cut his hair since he really prefers to wear it long. (just kidding of course). I have no advice for ya -- sorry.

That won't work, she told us at Shackapaloosa last week that he wants to get it cut again, already!

05-01-2009, 07:50 PM
I feel your pain Sherri. My boys are similar ages (13 and 15) . Banning them from Playstation, or the computer works here. I do think you need to set a period of time, and say you will reveiw with the teacher before he gets his priveleges back.

05-01-2009, 11:32 PM
all good advice that I can't really add to...I'm struggling a bit with my own 13 year old who has an F in language because he missed taking a test...and the teacher keeps forgetting to give it to him..even after 2 emails.

I'm sure you and Charlie will do the right thing. Here's a hug :)

05-01-2009, 11:49 PM
Maybe it's his new and sassy hairdo :)

05-02-2009, 05:34 PM
It's not easy being a parent. You know what works for him. At our house privileges are earned by good behavior and good grades. Kyle's privileges are recreational time which includes fishing, rugby, and video games/computer time. When he doesn't keep up his grades and behavior he loses privileges and has extra chores to fill his time. It usually doesn't take long to get things rolling in the right direction when he gets off track. Having said all of that, there have been many times that he and I sit down and do school work and tutoring to help him stay on track.

05-12-2009, 03:23 PM
When Justyce (13) is unruly I just hold him accountable...his problem is that it is NEVER his fault...so and so was talking to him, all he did was ask for a pencil, and all of his other EXcuses...I hold him accountable by making him complete all missing homework and retake tests with bad grades...even if the teacher wont except them for credit. And all the work in the book that the teacher is nice enough NOT to assign...I make him do that too. By the time im done, he would rather just do what is expect...instead of "whats expected and SOME". That has worked for me. Justyce likes to go over and play at his friends and have them over soooo I can also use that as leverage...Thats all I got for now! I just always think its important to hold Justyce accountable for his actions.
