View Full Version : Do you ever wonder what your purpose in life is?

09-14-2009, 10:56 AM
I know this is a heavy question for a Monday! I have lots of time to think at work and I was thinking about what my purpose is. I really don't know. I know that I'm not suppose to be where I am now but I don't know where I'm suppose to be going either! :wacko: Am I the only one who thinks of things like this?

09-14-2009, 11:09 AM
Not at all, Chrisite. Keep at it and you'll figure it out. My purpose in life is to spread joy, goodness and wealth to all with whom I come into contact. How am I doing so far?

09-14-2009, 11:10 AM
You are so not alone!!! I have no idea where I'm going or what I'm doing. I'd love to think that my purpose is staying home & doing nothing. And, it very well could be...my mil is not getting any younger. Found out yesterday that she can't vacuum her floor 'cause her vacuum is too heavy for her. We were dicussing what we're going to do when other things become too much for her. It might be I lost my job so I'm available to take care of her. I'm taking her to the foot doctor tomorrow and then I'll vacuum her house.

Anyway, I digress. I don't think you're not supposed to be where you are right not. It could be that it's just a stepping stone to where you NEED to be. When I was young, I went on a job interview to be a waitress. I came home from the interview and the phone was ringing. I ran to the phone & answered out of breath. It was a friend of my mom's but he asked why I was out of breath. Explained I was just coming back from a job interview. He said he didn't know I was looking for a job. He hired me to be a crappy asst to his secy. SUCKY job, sucky pay (and, as it turned out) sucky boss. But, if I had never had that job working for an insurance company, some idiot at a dr's office wouldn't have assumed that I had "insurance experience" and not have hired me for that sucky job. From that sucky job, I was able to get a better job for a different dr. I got layed off from that job which in turn got me to the job I LOVED!!!!

Same thing w/my hubby. He had to work a demeaning job that he hated but, he was able to get lots of securities liscenses so he would be qualified for the job he loved which turned into the job I love 'cause he travels.

So, long story short (TOO LATE!) where you are could turn into where you want to be. Someone could call or come in & you get to talking and they have the PERFECT job for you. YOu just never know. It take trust (in fate, or God or whatever) and patience.

09-14-2009, 11:14 AM
Christie, this is why I started my new blog called "my apron strings." I've asked myself that question my entire life and it was only recently that I'm figuring out that, while I am not smart, or successful in business or math or sciences or an executive or doctor or professional of any type at all, I think I'm slowly learning what my purpose is. I'm not positive if I'm figuring it out correctly, but I'm going with my instincts.

09-14-2009, 11:15 AM
I too had a long think about this one some time back and I came to the conclusion that although Im not 100% fit myself I do tend to care for others and mainly those others have been elderly!! and of course to care for animals which I have done since my childhood. I worked part time durring school term in a elderly home helping out and then later home helped a neighbour and again with Vic who died earlier this year plus MIL whom we lived so close too and was on call 24hours til her sad departure.

09-14-2009, 11:17 AM
Not at all, Chrisite. Keep at it and you'll figure it out. My purpose in life is to spread joy, goodness and wealth to all with whom I come into contact. How am I doing so far?

You are doing a great job!!! You put a smile on my face!

09-14-2009, 01:54 PM
Oh, man! Do I EVER!!! I think about it quite a bit, especially when I get those "updates" on what everyone from college is doing, has achieved, etc. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for them but it just drives it all home again about how little I have accomplished.
So I try to rationalize things a bit and play the "what if....." game. For example, we never had any kids but I cared for my parents for years before they passed. So, I figure out the timing and think that if we had had children, then I could not have cared for my parents. ( The kids would have been too young to devote so much time to my parents instead of the kids) Then I figure in that since I was an only child, where would that have left my parents? Helpless and quite possibly in 2 DIFFERENT nursing homes? (They don't always place them in the same one. Social workers don't care. They are not THEIR parents, right?) So, of course I start to feel a lot better about "where I am in life" after I get to that point in the "game."

So, that is how my little game works and it works for me.
Give it a try! ANYTHING is better than getting depressed about life. Maybe my "game" will help.:nod:

09-14-2009, 05:10 PM
It's a great question...perfect for any and EVERY day of the week.

I do believe that I am exactly were I am supposed to be right now. I've had my share of "sucky" jobs too. I've pondered it myself, but I do believe that each thing has led to the next and I am now doing what I am supposed to be doing now. BUT I had to listen to my soul, to God, and to my situation and then take steps to get here.

I don't think I'm done with my list of what I'm SUPPOSED to be doing yet, but I'm content and satisfied...as well as helping others.

If we compare ourselves to others, then we lose site of who WE are meant to be.

As for social workers, )I have to say this because I am a SWer) I have cried many times about my clients and their situations. There are obviously bad ones out there (perhaps I am one of them) but there are good ones too.
Keep up the search, it's part of what makes life so interesting!
(and yes, Barb you are doing great)

09-14-2009, 05:36 PM
Christie, I have always wondered what my purpose in life was too...and still do...but a few wks ago on my hr drive home from work one day I thought about that and thought that making cards/crafting/scrapbooking was my "calling" and it made me smile.

I must say that I am such a more happier person being a crafter. I love this stamping world that I found and all my friends. It is such a great thing.

Of course my job sucks, but I still have one...so I shouldn't complain too much lol...I know it is not what I should be doing either, but until I find something better that I enjoy....this is what I will be doing...

It feels good to know you are good at something:)

09-14-2009, 05:43 PM
If we compare ourselves to others, then we lose site of who WE are meant to be.

This is so true!!! It's easy to look at someone else and wish you were them but that's a bad way to live life.

09-14-2009, 06:25 PM
It's a great question...perfect for any and EVERY day of the week.

I do believe that I am exactly were I am supposed to be right now. I've had my share of "sucky" jobs too. I've pondered it myself, but I do believe that each thing has led to the next and I am now doing what I am supposed to be doing now. BUT I had to listen to my soul, to God, and to my situation and then take steps to get here.

I don't think I'm done with my list of what I'm SUPPOSED to be doing yet, but I'm content and satisfied...as well as helping others.

If we compare ourselves to others, then we lose site of who WE are meant to be.

As for social workers, )I have to say this because I am a SWer) I have cried many times about my clients and their situations. There are obviously bad ones out there (perhaps I am one of them) but there are good ones too.
Keep up the search, it's part of what makes life so interesting!
(and yes, Barb you are doing great)

My apologies to the one social worker who cares. I had one, who told me, with BOTH parents in the room, mind you, that,"This is the saddest case I have ever seen! Why don't you just put one of them in a nursing home?"

To which I replied while staring her straight in the eyes, "Because they are MY PARENTS!"

SHE was definitely in the wrong profession!

09-14-2009, 07:57 PM
I think it's good to take stock and evaluate where you are in life. Sometimes a change of direction is needed. I truly believe that all the things that happen in life are there to bring you where you need to be. You just have to listen, be patient, and go in the right direction.

My son just started high school and my life changed a bit. Nothing major, just more time. I don't have to drive him anymore. So, I had to sit back and think about that a while. The upside is that I can take jobs at other schools because he can walk home. Then, I found out that my FIL needs me to come help him. What a blessing that my son can walk to school now, because I can go help and not worry about having somebody drive him or come stay. He can do it himself and I can go help. So, you see, my purpose right now is to help my inlaws. I try really hard to stay focused on now, and not worry about yesterday or tomorrow. Life has a way of changing on me in ways I never expected, so I focus on each day as it comes.

09-14-2009, 08:49 PM
I determined I must have had a special purpose in life when I was almost in a head on crash a number of years ago. It was slushy all of a sudden (it had just been rain) and I slid in front of a car coming toward me. I could see the mom, dad and 2 children in the back, that's how close I was. I said, God I will not kill them too, and turned my wheel to the cliff so I would go over and avoid the crash. Well, it never happened,my car suddenly stopped at the edge, facing the other direction and not a scratch on me or my car. I always said my selfless act saved me.... Divine intervention - I decided I must have been going to give birth to a hero, or something like that. Anyway, I am not sure if my purpose has been fulfilled, but I sure hate winter driving!

On a lighter note, my dad used to say that my mom was put on this earth to drive him crazy. I always remember that line.

09-14-2009, 09:01 PM
Personally, not sure if my job is what I should be doing.

BUT I say if you can't figure out what you should be working as, just always try to leave the world a better place than you found it. Always try to make someone's day, always help where you can--including animals of course! ALways support, always be a friend.

People should smile when they see you coming. Your funeral should be overflowing with people you have touched.

Just my little humble opinion. Imagine if we all went through every day like that! There would be no more problems in the world.

09-14-2009, 10:46 PM
Sure - that's easy. To share God's love through my actions, and in appropriate circumstances through my words, and to find a blessing in each and every day and hopefully bless someone else. A smile can do wonders!!!!!

Paula Carden
09-15-2009, 06:36 AM
WOW terrific answers! I have just always thought that each day of my life is the stepping stone to the next-same with the jobs I have had-some that were harder than others. I don't think all of us know where or what purpose we have in life but at some point toward mid life I accepted who I am and I must say-that the more education I had-the more I wanted-now mind you if I were a few years younger I would go back to school yet again because I love learning. But finally I think I am where I am suppose to be-had no idea earlier in life that this is where I would end up-it could have gone many ways. In 1981 I married my best friend for life and altho he isn't rich he brought to me many great perspectives about being good to others-and enjoying life. We never were meant to have children but now we both realize that is ok- we never spent much time dwelling on that- we just always took in yet another stray animal. We are not wealthy in material things-but we usually enjoy each day together. Not many days/nights have we been apart as we always support each other. He is always my greatest supporter (just as my parents were before they died) and always is there to cheer me on...regardless of the issues at hand. But when I was 20something if anyone had said this is your life- I would have never believed them.

09-15-2009, 07:52 AM
I'm very happy for you! He sounds like a real "KEEPER!"
My husband is a lot like yours. In fact, it sounds like your husband could have been one of the "Paulson Brothers!" All 3 are the greatest husbands, loving, supportive, always helpful, etc.
And the two of you sound a lot like us, with the "orphan animals!" With us, it's cats. And we got married in 1984. And your first name has the same first 4 letters as my last name. Hehehe!
This is starting to sound like that old record that came out after JFK was killed. Do you remember that one where they compared Kennedy and Lincoln?

09-15-2009, 08:39 AM
I wonder that every single day! Some days I really think this could NOT be what was planned for me! But then if it was not my plan I would not have had this big house to fill up with family. As for the dream job some day that will happen too.

09-15-2009, 10:24 AM
Every single day! When I look back at what I've done in my life I know it all led me to where I am right now- even the challenges and 'speed bumps" along the way made me the person I am today. I try not to look back or have regrets. Right now I am in a good place, and very happy with the way my future is looking. I can see myself always in a teaching/counselling role, no matter what i do, that's the way I seem to be guided toward. I guess that's God's plan for me.

09-15-2009, 11:24 AM
I don't think I've ever really thought about what my life was going to be like. I did think I would have children by now but I don't. I think I just feel like I should be doing something meaningful with my life and I'm not. I feel like my job is a waste of my time and I want to change that. I want to be doing something good to help others. When I was little I use to say I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up but because of money I never thought it was possible. I'm thinking now this job might of been given to me so that I could go back to school and do that. I'm still trying to figure it all out though and don't want to rush into anything.

09-15-2009, 11:27 AM
Since you have so much "free" time on you hand at your job... you could take online or distances courses... and keep working... this way you job will give you the money and give you the time to learn at the same time.
I hope you will find your path soon. I know it's not fun to be wondering like that. Here is a HUG and I will be praying for you.

09-15-2009, 05:17 PM
I believe I raised 5 great children despite a divorce and a few other set backs and now I get to aggravate them and smile while I am doing it.-Nancy

09-15-2009, 05:26 PM
I believe I raised 5 great children despite a divorce and a few other set backs and now I get to aggravate them and smile while I am doing it.-Nancy

LOL!!!! You made me laugh!

Paula Carden
09-15-2009, 06:30 PM
I'm very happy for you! He sounds like a real "KEEPER!"
My husband is a lot like yours. In fact, it sounds like your husband could have been one of the "Paulson Brothers!" All 3 are the greatest husbands, loving, supportive, always helpful, etc.
And the two of you sound a lot like us, with the "orphan animals!" With us, it's cats. And we got married in 1984. And your first name has the same first 4 letters as my last name. Hehehe!
This is starting to sound like that old record that came out after JFK was killed. Do you remember that one where they compared Kennedy and Lincoln?

I do remember JFK and Lincoln's comparison- Lincoln had a secretary names Kennedy and Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln-then there were others that don't come to mind right now.
Yes, I am very fortunate to have the hubby I have- we do love our animals-we have had cats since 1981 our first was siamese (PJ) that he brought home soom after we were married and from there we continued- she lived to be nearly 21. We loved her more than some love children and the same with the next ones. Now we have 4 and a dog. We just a couple of months ago lost a 17+ cat that was a huge baby girl. We have grieved for each one but feel blessed to have had them.
Glad you have a good hubby too.

09-15-2009, 11:16 PM
This is one of my favorite subjects....how people change and evolve....those of you who have said you don't know your purpose, well, I for one have been touched by each of you....I'm glad you have been in my life.
As for my mom (Nancy) aggravating me- she needs to try harder...
and Susan, I was not offended byt he SWer comment.
anyway- thanks Christie for posting this and godspeed to you in your search.

09-16-2009, 12:36 AM
Wouldnt it be great if all these messages were put in a book for us to read from time to time? It would make all of us know that our purpose in life is to enjoy each other, the good times, the sad times and all those other times, we belong together as friends. - Nancy

Paula Carden
09-16-2009, 06:31 AM
Wouldnt it be great if all these messages were put in a book for us to read from time to time? It would make all of us know that our purpose in life is to enjoy each other, the good times, the sad times and all those other times, we belong together as friends. - Nancy

Good idea Nancy! Maybe the ShackHost can do a link where we can go on and update this thread or read it from time to time.

09-16-2009, 09:24 AM
Wouldnt it be great if all these messages were put in a book for us to read from time to time? It would make all of us know that our purpose in life is to enjoy each other, the good times, the sad times and all those other times, we belong together as friends. - Nancy

Well said Nancy!