View Full Version : Update DS party today

10-03-2009, 10:31 PM
Just wanted to give an update regarding my son's party today. An hour before our party, i got a call from the mom of the little girl. She said that they were going to take their daughter to the open skate nite at a local skate ring and wanted to know if my son could come. Our party ended at 4:30 and she asked us to go to hers at 5:30! I felt torn. One, at least now I knew she definitely wasn't doing anything, but I only had an hour to get ready for ours and had to pick up balloons and pizza and stuff before our party started. I didn't have time to go get a present for her daughter. So, unfortunately, I had to decline. At the party, she came and when I asked if she had asked any of the other parents, she indicated, no she hadn't. maybe, they'll celebrate in a few weeks. As many of you had said, it might be financial. When she didn't bring a present to my son's party, I figure that it must be financial too! The party was fabulous, and I wish the little girl could have one like this too.

10-03-2009, 10:43 PM
Renu, I'm glad your party was fabulous, I'm glad the little girl could come and I'm glad it didn't get weird!

10-03-2009, 10:45 PM
well, I'm glad your ds had his party with no drama for you..that's the way it should be. I know you worked hard to make your ds's day a good one. I feel bad for the little girl, it does sound like the problem was financial, but the parents money troubles didn't have to mean the little girl couldn't have had a special day too..I think back to my fave b-day party as a young girl and It could not have cost much, mom had games organized for us with small prizes, we invited a bunch of kids..did it all the games outside then had cake & ice cream inside, very low cost but a fave childhood memory of mine. So I know with some thought and planning this little girl could have had a fab party. this mom could have done something similar if she wasn't so bent on pawning it off on you.
so..did your ds have a fab day?? I sure hope so

10-04-2009, 12:03 AM
Cindi, he had a great time. He had most of his classmates there and three of his youngest cousins there. The older ones are too old to want to hang out with this group! lol. I really felt bad for the daughter, because she didn't get a party at all and had to spend her birthday at someone elses. Though she really did seem to enjoy herself. But, like you also said, when we were kids, most of our parties were at home with games in the backyard. I had extremely fond memories of those parties. And other than cake and ice cream, there was little else food wise.

Paula Carden
10-04-2009, 07:32 AM
Glad that it all worked out! You did a great job and your son enjoyed it I am sure.
You know way back growing up-yes we only did the home thing too and it was always fun-usually just family. But then moms stayed home and times were different but I remember them fondly too.
Sorry for the little girl but you know maybe if it was financial-it was probably a treat for her to just come and play with others and have cake etc..I am sure her mom finally explained it to her. Most kids just like to play with friends anyway. The presents are cool but sometimes pushed aside in a few days.
You are a good mom-a prepared mom! Good for you!!!

10-04-2009, 02:26 PM
Glad it all worked out and Austin had a fun day.

10-04-2009, 07:35 PM
It worked out well. It was a bit weird when she called me an hour before we walked out the door to invite us to her daughter's get together. I didn't even have enough time to get a present. But, evidently she didn't invite any of the other parents either! I'm just glad this drama is over. I was a bit tense wondering how it would all pan out, but overall, it was fine. I think, it's because I had already called her earlier that it worked out this way.