View Full Version : Have you bought your halloween candy yet?

10-11-2009, 10:08 AM
I broke down today and bought it, cause it was on sale buy one get one free. I ended up getting butterfingers and nestle crunch. I always buy the fun size and I end up giving the kids a few of them at a time, since the candy bars are so small.

So , what did you get to hand out for halloween , if you are passing out halloween candy?

10-11-2009, 10:42 AM
My DH and i were just having this discussion yesterday. He wanted to know why I haven't bought any halloween candy yet and I said "Because I will eat it all". I try and buy things I don't LOVE and that way, I won't eat them all. We only get one group of little trick or treaters and they are our neighbor's grandkids. They always come up to the door in a tractor. Its hilarious. Its a tractor pulling a big wagon and the parents are on the wagon with hot cocoa in their mugs. How they don't spill it I have no idea. So I am going to call and ask if they are coming by this year so i have enough candy. Its only about 8 kids so i dont' need a lot. But that is all we get!! (In FL, we got 2 kids each year, that was it)

10-11-2009, 10:59 AM
I don't get many trick or treaters ( 30 on a busy night) so we don't need to worry about not getting treats before the stores are out. I can't buy them ahead of time or DH and the children would have them gone!

10-11-2009, 11:42 AM
I bought mine this week. $17.00 worth. Suckers and then fun sizes of candy bars from Sams club. Halloween is on Sat. this year, and if the weather is nice, we'll get a lot of trick or treaters.

10-11-2009, 11:51 AM
Last year I think we only got 1 trick or treater so I don't think I'm going to buy any candy this year because then I'll be tempted to eat it. DH and I will probably go out to dinner Halloween night.

10-11-2009, 02:04 PM
We'll buy ours this weekend. Of course, we don't give it to ToT'ers! We gave that up a few years ago. We each buy $5 of what we like, put it in a bowl & eat it!! LOL Too many ToTers & I don't know ANY of them; they come by car loads & van loads 'cause we're a nice size subdivision. Kids are too old to ToT now but, we still do the candy thing for them (ok, it's really for us 'cause we like candy. LOL)

10-11-2009, 02:35 PM
Because we are on a busy, main street--we hardly get any Trick-or-Treaters! So I don't buy much and I try and wait until close to Halloween or I WILL eat it myself! I've already eaten through one batch of candy corn/salted peanuts!

10-11-2009, 03:01 PM
Our neighborhood is a very popular Trick-or-Treaters stop and we often decorate the house like crazy. I usually take Emily out and Richard usually stays home and hands out the candy. Many years he wears this hideous mask and really scares the crap out of the kids. One year he sat in the darker area of our front porch with his mask -- the kids thought he was a prop until he moved -- we could hear the ToT-ers talking about our house as we were walking around

Kids like coming to our house because Emily and I usually put together bags of candy with several Fun-Sized candies in each -- we'll get 50-70 kids if the weather is nice. I put a note in each little bag with our address on it -- so the parents will know where the candy came from in case they are concerned. We may scale back a bit this year...

I'm going to wait to buy it -- otherwise I'll have to buy more!

10-11-2009, 04:42 PM
Like Lidia, we live on a main street and I think the most we got was 8 one year. I was so disappointed when we moved in here and got no kids. Most of our neighbors don't pass out so we don't either. I go to my mom's or David's dads to pass out. We bought a couple bags of the little bitty ones a couple weeks ago basically for us to snack on.
I'd love to get a case of chips but it's hard to justify that!

10-11-2009, 04:51 PM
No I haven't bought any yet, but probably will this week. Since Jordan no longer goes trick-or-treating, we will probably go to our friends house...she lives in a subdivision and gets lots of kids. I'll make up some goodie bags to hand out. Usually I make a bunch for the kids at church too :)

10-12-2009, 09:28 AM
No candy here yet. I am on WW now, so I will hold off as late as I can to buy candy so it won't be a temptation!

10-12-2009, 09:30 AM
Nope, I'm not going to buy any this year. I'm going to go with my sister-in-law to take my niece trick or treating!!!

10-12-2009, 10:15 AM
I live in a condo where there are almost no children. Therefore, I buy no Halloween candy. When I first moved in and didn't really know this, the ones who came were waaay too big and arrived in a van. So now I keep my light out. I will buy candy for my dd and her family and frequently spend the early evening at her home to see my dgc dress up and go out. Pretty soon they will be too old to do this I suppose. (makes me sad, and feel old, too)

Seaside Rose
10-12-2009, 11:30 AM
We also live on a very busy street and get NO trick or treaters. The only little kids who live near us at all are across the street so each year I make a goodie bag for each of them with little toys - activity books and things - and some candy, age and gender appropriate, and we "trick or treat" and deliver. ;)

And each year, on Halloween, my DH goes out and buys a ton of candy that we won't pass out to anyone, since no one comes here.... but he gets it "just in case"... and then he eats it all LOL. (Mind you, he's diabetic.)

I miss our old neighborhood, where we would get easily 50-60 trick or treaters... it was so much fun. My kids were never into candy, but they would turn the garage into a haunted house and the front yard into a grave yard complete with fog machine... the kids and parents loved it and so did I.

10-12-2009, 11:38 AM
No I have not. We rarely get trick or treaters but I do buy some candy just in case. I usually wait until the weekend before Halloween so I'm less likely to eat much of it. This year Drew & Katie are having a housewarming/costume party for Halloween so we won't be here ... although I will buy candy 'just in case' ;)

10-12-2009, 11:57 AM
Oh yes, I have bought it...SEVERAL TIMES! (yummy!)
We usually get about 100 kids here and I give each kid several things so we do need quite a bit.
We also invite over several international students from the university so they can experience it. They love it! AND, they LOVE getting up every time the doorbell rings (which I get tired of).
So, I guess I need to go buy more- again...and maybe not eat all of it this time around. ; )

10-12-2009, 05:28 PM
OH yes I bought all of my candy. Our Walmart had a candy sale bags $1.68 each. I bought Paydays, snickers, milky way, 100 grand, peanut butter cups, hershey's, baby ruths etc... I had to. What a deal!!

10-12-2009, 08:08 PM
Not until the day before and only what I like to eat. We do get about 50 kids and some are teenagers who have come every year since they were little. I use candy and toys and buy something for the older ones just to give them. They like it. - Nancy

10-16-2009, 12:59 PM
Nah, I don't hand out candy. I'm single, and no way I'm opening the door all night in the dark to strangers. I never do.

And I have to say it annoys me how people don't tell their kids about the porch light "rule". If the light is on, come get candy. If it is off, no candy here. My light is off and I ALWAYS get people ringing the doorbell.

Freaks out the cats (they hate strangers!) Haha! They sure hate that door bell!

Oh, but I did need some bags of smarties and mini cow tails that were a perfect fit for the new folding cats and dogs I have for make N takes, so I was excited that it was halloween time and I could find those. Otherwise I always look for black cat stuff since I have 2. NICE black cats--not scary ones or ones with witch hats or on anything ORANGE in color. Sometimes I get lucky!!!!