View Full Version : Nicholas has an 8th grade project coming due on Friday

10-11-2009, 07:21 PM
He is currently reading "The Suitcases" by Ann Hall Whitt. He has to make what looks like a suitcase and then fill it with 10 items from a certain list.
I am thinking we could make the suitcase out of a cereal box and find something for the handle, something for the latch. I am thinking it even needs a luggage tag of some sort. Can anyone else think of what else I can use besides a cereal box that would be comparable?

The 10 items in the box has to be from the story. Such as:

Birth certificate of the main character (we found a bc online blank)
Our family tree
Make a poster of the book
Make a crossword puzzle using 30 words from the book
If you were 6 yrs old, name 5 things you would bring in a suitcase with you.

I can't remember what else goes in it but "we" have 7 of the 10 items done. I say "we" because I have been helping :). We got alot done this weekend.

10-11-2009, 07:32 PM
Easy peasy puzzle making at www.puzzlemaker.com. Just type in the words you want to use and the program will design the puzzle using your words. Sounds like an awesome project. I'll be thinking about the suitcase.

10-11-2009, 07:34 PM
Here's a template for a suitcase that I found online. You would just have to enlarge the dimensions:


10-11-2009, 08:47 PM
Sounds like a fun project and fun book to read.