View Full Version : Worried about my Son Jack.....

10-25-2006, 10:24 AM
He has been pale & lethargic looking for about a month now. At first we thought it was the Flu, & it probably was, but now weeks later, he hasn't gotten any better except that he's not thorwing up.... We goo swimming quite a bit & he won't even get into the pool...he just lays by the side watching us or falls asleep.

We took him to the Doc this past Friday & he has lost 4 pounds. Our regular Doc wasn't in, so he saw somebody else...Anyways the Doc thought he was bloated & everything was a result of constipation that he has been having. She sent us home with miralax.

Anyways, Mollie had her 9 month c/u on Monday & I took him in with us. His regualr Doc agreed with me that she thought it might be something else & sent us for a blood test...the test still has not come back! :(

His Doc did say she thinks he may be lactose intolerant & thus the bloating, but he looks like a little Ethiopian Guy you know skinny with their tummies protruding and dark circles under his little eyes?

I am just a little worried that it may be something more serious. I hope not! If it was way serious he probably wouldn't still be drinking liquids & eating some, would he?

Just wanted to share with you all since this has been on my mind the last few days....

Erin K
10-25-2006, 10:38 AM
That is very scarry. I'm sure it is very much on your mind. I'm glad your Dr. did blood tests. I hope you can find out what it is very soon. How old is he?

My prayers are with you.

10-25-2006, 10:54 AM
Poor little Jack! I hope the MD figures out what the trouble is and soon. Keep us posted and I hope the tests come back soon with some explanation.

10-25-2006, 11:00 AM
Jack is 2 1/2. He will be 3 in March. He is the one that stopped breathing 2 days after his 1st Birthday and had a febral seizure they think...He was in the Children's Hospital for a week...they also found that cyst on the back of his Brain, but the Doc's decided it wasn't moving & therefore was causing no harm. So we are extra concerned & careful when it comes to him! :)

10-25-2006, 11:04 AM
I was reading an article lately about intolerance to gluten and the swollen stomach was one of the symptoms--I suppose it could be the same with lactose intolerance. Hope those test results come in soon!

lost luggage
10-25-2006, 11:20 AM
Oh gosh, Julie..my heart goes out to you! I hope you hear from the results soon and that Jack feels better quickly!!!

10-25-2006, 11:22 AM
Julie, I hope you get those blood tests real soon. There is probably no way they can conclusively figure out anything till the tests come back. I know it can't be easy waiting for those results, but it sounds like you're doing the best to keep food down in the meantime. My prayers are with you and your ds.

10-25-2006, 11:47 AM
i hope all is ok. if you need anything, i'm only a few minutes away!!!


10-25-2006, 12:42 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Jack. Poor little guy :( I am keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers that the doc gets it figured out quick. HUGS for you,

10-25-2006, 01:39 PM
Oh poor little Jack! I hope you guys find out what it is that's bothering him soon! And hopefully, it IS just lactose intolerance. That can be dealt with fairly easily.

Keep us posted!

10-25-2006, 01:47 PM
My prayers are with you and little Jack.
