View Full Version : Blizzard photo posted to gallery

03-01-2007, 11:31 PM
I had to share the fun we are having with the blizzard here. I took a photo out the front window of my house, normally I can see the other circle and the balloon field beyond, but you can barely see the second street light at the corner let alone the other circle of the field. They are advising on the TV not to even leave your house if the power goes out to try and go to a shelter. Travel is too bad to even do that. Glad we have the fireplace and lots of batteries, and if worst comes to worst the generator. Can you tell we have done this before :cute:

03-01-2007, 11:42 PM
Our blizzard this morning must've made its way to you. We got hail, then sleet, then snow from four in the morning until noon. We're expecting more snow tomorrow. Today, so far, we've gotten a foot. Nothing like what they got up in Minnessota or Michigan (or Iowa, for that matter), the snow came down so quickly, and we had a lot of digging out to do, too.