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Thread: What does little white dots in your throat mean?

  1. #11
    I agree with everyone else, but for today if you can't get to urgent care here are some things you can do to ease your discomfort. Gargle with hot salt water several times a day for sore throat and take anti-inflammatory to ease the swelling. For DD that has an eye infection, you can wash her eyes with baby wash and warm water.

    I'd still go to the doc, but I'm with you on trying to avoid the weekend sick crowd at urgent care.

  2. If it is strep throat and pink-eye for the kids, both are highly contagious, so where ever you go, you will spread it around. I'd head to the dr for antibiotics, which will take about 24 - 48 hrs before you are non-contagious. Hate to spread love and joy, but strep can turn into rheumatic fever, so watch for red, fine rash on forearms.

  3. #13
    um, pack up the family and get you all to insta care NOW!!!

    {click above for my craft blog!}

  4. #14
    LOL! OK, so it's like this.....my 2 youngest have been on antibiotics for 9 days now since they each had an ear infection & eye infections, so we also had some Ciprofloxacin eye drops already, which I am using on my oldest DDD too. I have been trying to hold off on taking the Kids to the Doc because my oldest 2 have their well child check ups tomorrow anyways, & I hate to go to the Doc twice in 2 days...especially since we do have the meds for them.

    As for me, well, I can't possible take all 4 of the Kiddos with me by myself to the Urgent Care. My DH had to work all weekend because we took 4 days off for Memorial Weekend to go see my Sister, so he HAS to make up the time, period. Tomorrow I am going to see if I can get into see my Doctor in the afternoon since my Mom will be Home & I can go get her & have her sit with at least 2 of the Kids.

    Meanwhile, I guess I am going to go gargle with some salt water....oh, and did I tell you that I also wrenched my back out while we were on our mini vacation? Ouch! I thought it was a sciatic nerve which I get from time to time, and it usually goes away within 2-3 days, but this time, it still hurts & I am walking around half bent over. What a sight for sore eyes I am! I think I pulled it out of whack picking up Maggie ......

    Well, wish me luck Ladies! Thank You all for your concern!
    [COLOR="DarkOrchid"] What if the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] :twitcy:[/COLOR]

  5. #15

    geez Julie

    you guys are in roughg shape.
    I hope all of you feel better soon.
    more bad news..My sciatic nerve acts up too, & it once was bad for 2 weeks..I wes all doped up.
    Try kneeding your right but cheek, hard, right in the middle..it sometimes calms it down.
    Big hugsfor you & your family.

  6. #16
    Clarissa Guest View Member Photos
    I've had strep a million times as well as tonsilitis and those white dots could be an indication of either one. I remember in the old days if one member of the family had strep they would treat everyone.

    You guys are in rough shape- happy get well wishes to all of you

  7. #17
    Cindi.....I have been walking around kneading the lower part of my back by my tailbone to no avail....I guess that I have been working on the wrong spot! LOL! In the past my Family Dc rarely prescribes me anything for the pain besides 800 mg Motrin. I am going to tell him I need the real stuff this time!
    [COLOR="DarkOrchid"] What if the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] :twitcy:[/COLOR]

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Indianapolis, IN
    Julie, if this is sciatic nerve, I can give you what my reflexologist did to me.
    You sit on the very fron edge of a straight back chair, and then lean back till you shoulders touch the back of the chair. Have DH pull a chair up to face you. He then puts his knees on the outside of yours with his fist balled up and place it between you knees. He then puts as much pressure as you can stand on your knees and holds it to the count of 20. Then get up and walk around a bit and see if that relieves the pain. If not try it again, you can repeat this 2-3 times. It has helped me many times. Let me know if this helps. Glinda

  9. Sounds like strep to me...and for your kids eyes...My aunt always made me use warm tea bags on my eyes when they acted like that. The warm bags were soothing and the tea had an antibacterial effect...It doesn't burn either!

    PS..On your back, I've had those problems too...I even had back surgery. For the pinching down your right nerve, try sitting on the floor and pulling your knee up to your chest. It stretches the muscles in my back and loosens up the spasm...


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