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Thread: Back on the wagon

  1. #1

    Back on the wagon

    Well, it's official, I have reached maximum density. I am at my own personal high weight, I've been here before and it's not pretty. So, at my curves they started an 11 week long biggest loser competition today. I put my $10 in the pot and I'm working on losing some of this extra padding. The winning team gets to split the $. I think I'll be a winner if I lose some weight. I had to commit to giving up something, so I'm giving up night-time snacking. Why can't it be as easy to take it off as it was to put it on.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    St. Cloud, Minnesota
    I need to seriously lose some weight too! We should have something like that here on the shack, for support and incentive. I am at my pregnancy weight and I AM NOT PREGNANT! lol. I have had a gym membership for a year now and I pay $50.00 a month and lately I have only been going maybe twice a month if that much.

    I snack so much, eat after 8pm all the time, I don't drink enough water, I drink a lot of Soda, we eat out often and I just keep gaining... I want to change but I really need the extra push to do so! Anyone like me out there?

  3. Congrats on making the commitment!! I have lost 15 pounds this summer but I have been slipping lately. I definitely need to get back on track.

  4. #4
    I havent been back to Curves since our vacation because of the cataract operations, but the end of Sept. I am going back. What disappointed more was the fact I stopped drinking sodas and it didnt make a mark. I also never eat after 7 and will eat supper if I know it will be late. It did seem while I was going to Curves, the movement of the body is what helped lose the weight. If people want to start - I'll join in and for now watch the eating. I could lose about 30 # - Nancy

  5. #5
    I'm am sooooooo with you girl. I got on the scale yesterday and almost cried! I now weigh 15 pounds MORE than I weighed when I got to the hospital to have Patrick. Hello!?! So, I'm in! Diet, exercise, starvation, stapling my mouth shut- whatever works!


  6. I will duct tape my mouth if I have to .... AFTER MOA
    The Shackretary

  7. I could lose about 10 pounds. I only have about 2 pair of shorts that I can button easily.

    I'm SO bad at the "D" word though. It never lasts very long! And not the most active either - that's my problem!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Orange County, CA
    Good luck Tami. I hope you win. I gained a little weight over the summer. Now that the tourists have left my beach I'm back to riding on the beach path and running on the sand. Hopefully that will do the trick.

    We Grow By Our Dreams (my blog)
    Grow Home (my Etsy store where I sell vintage stuff)

  9. I'm afraid to get on the scale! I haven't been walking much - which has me in panic mode as my 60 mile Breast Cancer walk is only 8 weeks away. I need to kick it in to gear - start walking - start exercising - eat better!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    International Falls, Minnesota
    I joined WW two weeks ago, and have been crabby and hungry, but managed to lose 3#. I weigh in again tomorrow...nope, not going to be good. It's just plain hard to do, but agree if you exercise, you have half the battle won...good luck to everyone.

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