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Thread: CC#1- colour challenge- Black gold copper green

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Down Under, Western Australia

    Smile CC#1- colour challenge- Black gold copper green

    I made a book mark
    Collage Style??

    As most of you know I rarely attempt anything remotely collage style, but the colours of this challenge really encouraged me to give it a go.
    Thanks Stacy for encouraging me to step outside my comfort zone

  2. Thats beautiful Sarah!
    Im not a "collage" person either. Not because I dont like it, because I cant do it...lol Not artistic enough And Im more "cutesy".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Down Under, Western Australia
    I absolutely love to look at collage style, the busier the better, ( I always think I'd like to be Ethel when I grow up) but I never try it cos I am really not much of a rule breaker- not free enough in my thinking, and usually like the lines to be straight.
    Doing a colour challenge with it gave me the best of both worlds- Rules and freedom...LOL
    Last edited by loobylou; 09-11-2007 at 01:01 PM.

  4. I agree - I'm always so afraid to try collage style and when I grow up I want to be Ethel too! I envy her and those wonderful artists that create such beautiful collage pieces.

    Your bookmark is excellent. You did a great job.

  5. Sarah love your collage work on the stunning bookmark! The embossing is wonderful!!
    Thanks for sharing the back too!...Jan

  6. It turned out very nice.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Would you believe me if I said the jail?
    Ok I finally have my color challenge done! As soon as I get home, I will scan it!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Would you believe me if I said the jail?
    Quote Originally Posted by Swanie78 View Post
    Thats beautiful Sarah!
    I'm more "cutesy".
    ya know I ****LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE******* cutesey! I'm all about the cute in life!

  9. CC1 - Black, Gold, Copper & Dark Green

    I love this challenge. Here is my card.


    I used alcohol inks on glossy black c/s, mounted onto Hunter Green and a couple of new stamps I just purchased. This card is going to somebody special.

  10. #10
    How weird!! It won't let me view it, have you set this up for only certain people to view? If not then it might be cause I'm not home, and I'm using the school's internet. Anyhow, I know it's Gorgeous!

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