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Thread: Help. I need advice for Tudi before DH makes me get rid of her ...

  1. Re: Help. I need advice for Tudi before DH makes me get rid of her ...

    I hate to move her to the garage as it does get cold in the winter.

    I am actually thinking of selling her or giving her to a good home. She has many other issues too and there is a wild side to her that I just cannot seem to tame down. I have tried everything besides paying for obedience training and Charlie won't pay for that so I just say I may have to get rid of her. I will be sad and I am crying now but I will get over it.
    The Shackretary

  2. #12

    Re: Help. I need advice for Tudi before DH makes me get rid of her ...

    Take her to the vets... if she has more then just this problem then there might be something else going on?

  3. #13

    Re: Help. I need advice for Tudi before DH makes me get rid of her ...

    I feel for you, our puppy wont sleep good toward morning either He is now 9 months old. There is no reason I have to get up by 4;30 in the morning and then I am tired alday. We have company coming this weekend and I am putting him in the garage. The Vet told me play real hard with him before he goes to sleep at night. THIS puppy plays all day and there is no way I am going to do that. I am resorting to breaking a Tylenol or Advil P M and giving him a third of it. Won't harm him, but not enough sleep is harming me. It will be warm in there now but if it works, they do have fur coats for cooler weather. I wish you luck because I know what you are going through. - Nancy

  4. Re: Help. I need advice for Tudi before DH makes me get rid of her ...

    If I had to explain Tudi in 3 words - its:

    Rambunctious (have no idea how to spell it)
    Hyper (although whenever Ellie and Michelle sees her, she's not like that)
    Very excited

    Its ALWAYS around eating time, she eats morning and dinner time but somehow it has started in the middle of the night. Why? I have no idea.

    Does any of this make sense?
    The Shackretary

  5. #15

    Re: Help. I need advice for Tudi before DH makes me get rid of her ...

    Take her to the vet. He can check for anything physical. She is young, but maybe her thyroid is to blame. Maybe her "hyperness" can be controlled with medication.

    There could be a LOT of medical conditions causing this.

    And. like I said before, once the medical conditions are ruled out, he could give you suggestions for behavioral training.
    Susan Paulson

    "The smallest feline is a masterpiece.".....Leonardo da Vince

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    in my little hut surrounded by bits of paper & stamps

    Re: Help. I need advice for Tudi before DH makes me get rid of her ...

    I have to let Buddy sleep in his crate at night. He doesn't settle down very well, but he's ready to get up whenever I get up. I'm going over to Laura's now and I'll put him in his box (crate).

    Poor Tudi, she is a sweet girl whenever I come for a visit, but I feel your pain, Sherri.

  7. #17

    Re: Help. I need advice for Tudi before DH makes me get rid of her ...

    I'd put her in to sleep with one of the kids and let them deal with it. Our older dog sleeps in Kyle's room.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Lawrence, Kansas

    Re: Help. I need advice for Tudi before DH makes me get rid of her ...

    Our vet did suggest benadryl (in the same volume you'd give to a child of similar weight) and I know some people give their dogs sedatives....

    What a hard thing to have to face. Good luck with your decision.

  9. Re: Help. I need advice for Tudi before DH makes me get rid of her ...

    I'm no help. Stormy is an outside dog most of the year and only inside at night in the winter; she has a bed near the front door and knows not to leave her place once lights are out.

  10. Re: Help. I need advice for Tudi before DH makes me get rid of her ...

    Rambucious dogs often need lots more exercise. There are on children's growth spurts and they are often exhibited by periods of needing more food, exercise, sleep and/or crankiness...I don't know but perhaps dogs do that too. At 3 years puppies begin to move into there adult years...perhaps this is her final growth phase. There can be a major difference in how much calmer they become as adults.

    If I eat on the coffee table Bianca often decides that she would like to be closer to my plate than I would like...Without a word but using a brief quiet sound I capture her attention and begin to stare into her eyes. She can stare a long time but always breaks it first and immediately lays quietly on the floor. She rarely ever tries a second time once she realizes she is NOT in control. Just be sure that your head is above hers so you are looking down into her eyes.

    That's all for my thoughts but I know I have gotten lots of good ideas from internet searches. I wish the best for all of you and Trudi!
    Last edited by Far North; 08-22-2009 at 09:29 PM.

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