I'm the room parent for my son's 4th grade class and I've already began thinking about the "Fall Frolic" party coming up on Oct. 31st. So I'm looking for fun, CHEAP (there's 23 students), and unique ideas. I like to do things that maybe they haven't played every year before. Like last year, I don't know how many classes I saw doing the T.P. "mummy wrap" game! I just think they get tired of playing the same things every year for each party. We can do crafts and/or games, but like I said - the supplies have to be inexpensive for me!

I thought about looking for a cheap home made play dough recipe and make it black. And have the kids partner up and give each pair a chunk of play dough. Then they would mold it into a bat and we could vote on "prettiest", "scariest", "most likely to fly", etc. Just something I thought of - do you think 4th graders would like that? And is play dough cheaper to buy or make?

Also saw an idea online for hiding ping pong "eye balls" in a big pot of boiled spaghetti noodles. Give them like 15 seconds to see who can dig out the most eye balls. You can even color code them for different points. But I don't know how to do that with 23 kids and probably only a 1/2 hour for the party.

Any other thoughts or ideas would be appreciated! THANKS!