Shackapalooza Question
Since this will be the first time I am attending this Spring Palooza in the Indiana area, I was wondering what type of clothes I need to bring. Do I need a winter coat; do I need long pants; do I need socks and shoes???? What type of weather can I expect in April in north Indiana?
Right now here in the Memphis area, I can wear flip flops, no coat or sweater and I'm wearing crop style pajama pants and short sleeves.
Suzi (my comedic roommate) will we be having air conditioning or heating on in our room? I think that will determine what type of pj's I should bring. Also, do we have a pj stamp/crop night where we all wear our pajamas to the stamping room? Please let me know any information you feel I need to know. Thanks.
There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.~ Pablo Picasso