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Thread: I booked my flight for Fall Palooza today!!!

  1. I booked my flight for Fall Palooza today!!!

    I got an email this morning that fares had gone down by $155!!!! I checked it out and I was able to get a flight for a total of $220 including taxes and fees. Awesome!!!

    I do have to make one stop in Houston each way, but I figured it is worth it for the money I'm saving! A direct flight on Delta is currently $400. The flight I booked is on Continental.

    So I'm official!! And I'm so excited!!

  2. #2

    Re: I booked my flight for Fall Palooza today!!!

    Woo Hoo good for you. I hope I get to see you there. What day are you flying in?

    There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.~ Pablo Picasso

  3. #3

    Re: I booked my flight for Fall Palooza today!!!

    woo hoo!!!!

    {click above for my craft blog!}

  4. Re: I booked my flight for Fall Palooza today!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by tojoco View Post
    Woo Hoo good for you. I hope I get to see you there. What day are you flying in?
    Joanne - are you going to book a ticket this time? I wouldn't take a risk the flight would be booked again like in April .
    The Shackretary

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Western North Carolina

    Re: I booked my flight for Fall Palooza today!!!

    Traci that's a good deal. I am coming too. My dh and I will fly into SLC on Oct 1, then drive to Yellowstone and come back on Thurs. I have to leave early on Sunday but at least I will get to hang out on Thurs eve, Fri and Sat with you all. He will chill at the Inn while I do my thing. We haven't been to Yellowstone in 4 or 5 years so I am looking forward to it. Of course we will have to visit the salt flats around SLC.

  6. Re: I booked my flight for Fall Palooza today!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by tojoco View Post
    Woo Hoo good for you. I hope I get to see you there. What day are you flying in?
    I am flying in Wednesday. I will need a night of rest before we begin!!

  7. #7

    Re: I booked my flight for Fall Palooza today!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by iloveflipflops View Post
    Joanne - are you going to book a ticket this time? I wouldn't take a risk the flight would be booked again like in April .
    Sherri, it's a little hard to swallow paying a couple hundred dollars for a paid ticket when I can fly first class for free. The only drawback is having to fly stand-by. Hopefully there will be more scheduled flights to Utah then there were to Indiana, and I'll be lucky enough to get on one.
    Last edited by tojoco; 06-09-2011 at 11:53 AM.

    There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.~ Pablo Picasso

  8. #8

    Re: I booked my flight for Fall Palooza today!!!

    Me too, me too! I booked mine yesterday too.

  9. Re: I booked my flight for Fall Palooza today!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by tojoco View Post
    Sherri, it's a little hard to swallow paying a couple hundred dollars for a paid ticket when I am privileged to fly first class for free. The only drawback is having to fly stand-by. Hopefully there will be more scheduled flights to Utah then there were to Indiana, and I'll be lucky enough to get on one.
    I'm not sure all the trouble you had to go through would have been worth it to me.....but to each his own I guess!! I hope it works for you this time.

  10. #10

    Re: I booked my flight for Fall Palooza today!!!

    Great price Traci! Have fun and flying to Houston might not be that bad, call my brother! Or Christie. tee heee.
    Joanne-Good Luck to you this time!

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