your list of things you would like to have to snack on. going to go shopping this week.
what kind beverages - soda, tea, coffee?
snacks-chips, crackers?
anything else you want to have on hand?
I am good with whatever.
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Lower sodium stuff if available....I'll help pay for snackies!
Vanilla fat free creamer
Last edited by ccstampin12; 09-26-2011 at 08:56 PM.
Diet Coke. I can give you some money or I could do some shoppping also. Let me know?
Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will cause most inconvenience. ~Pam Brown
I'm a coffee and water drinker. I do like creamer in my coffee, but not the fat free kind. I've been doing creme brule in my morning jo lately. M&Ms are a must, aren't they? If we make a grocery store run, we can all get some stuff and have a snack buffet!
Yes I agree with Mary. Can we do a grocery store run. I usually drink diet coke but it has to be decaffeinated after 6:00 pm and I love my Starbuck's iced coffee all day long with decaf after 6:00 pm I will also drink iced water. I think we all should go to the store so we can set up a snack buffet table of everything everyone likes to nibble on. BTW, count me out of cooking!!! I love going out to eat especially the Cheesecake Factory. M&Ms, M&Ms, M&Ms, M&Ms, M&Ms, etc. etc. etc. lol
There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.~ Pablo Picasso
We have all kinds of grocery stores around. Target, Smiths, Costco, Wall-mart, Walgreens, Riteaid--all within 2 miles. No need to buy M & Ms. I have enough for everyone! (I went overboard at Target yesterday- two 42 oz bags!) A shopping run is a definite. I also have 6 twelve packs of Diet Coke (again, on sale at Target for $3.00 a 12 pack). That is the staple of my life--next to coffee. I have lots of decaf coffee as well as regular. Starbucks is close too! Mary, no need for any of us to cook much. My hubby is cooking dinner for us all one night-Probably Saturday so he can devote all day to our culinary delights.
Wow! You are so sweet. Thanks for doing all of this. Hugs, Heather
Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will cause most inconvenience. ~Pam Brown