Sarah, the books by Kathy Reichs are similar to those of Patricia Cornwell. The main character is a forensic anthropologist and spends her time between North Carolina and Quebec Canada. I enjoy her much more than Scarpetta anymore. I thought her more recent books just didn't have as much to offer as her earlier works.

I recently read the first book by Jefferson Bass,(actually two gentleman) the books are mostly based out of the Body Farm, the real location visited in one of the Scarpetta books. I think it was called Carved in Bone. It wasn't outstanding, but I liked it enough to pursue the series. I am a huge fan of books that continue the characters, I really enjoy seeing how the author progresses them.

I am currently in an old series that began in the late 70's by author Marcia Muller and her main character is a PI who works in San Francisco. Speaking of San Francisco, I recommend the Spellman Files series by Lisa Lutz. The family are all in the private investigating business and they are all a little crazy, it is laugh out loud funny at times and pretty quick reading. I think there are only 5 books in that one.
Hope I have given you some suggestions.