Ok, I went to Michael's last night & got what I think I might need for my canvas. (Thanks Ang from rising up from you sick bed to advise me!!!!) So, I bought canvases (canvi???) mod podge & gesso. Now that I'm home & looking at my canvas, it says it's pre-gessoed. Do I still need the $15 tub of gesso? Will it work better if I re-gesso? Will I use it for something else? I'd really like to find that transfer medium Angie shared (was it here or FB??) 'cause that was NEATO!!! If I can take back the gesso & buy the transfer, that would be cool. If I need the gesso, the transfer can wait..... (Scott came with me & almost had a heart attack at what I spent. LOL)

Please, someone guide this mis-guided "artist" who can't paint her way out a paper bag.