Graduation went GREAT!!! Her valedictorian (sp?? She's the smart one, not me!!) speech was AMAZING. I cried!!! The slide show they did of ALL the kids (5) birth to grad was awesome. The kids each picked out thier own music and that made me cry too!! It was a great night. And, when they presented all of the graduates & had their recessional, Becca fell off the stage!!! What a way to leave the school. They will ALWAYS remember her!! LOL

The after reception was very nice. No one except my MIL looked at the album but, they all loved the poster board w/the leftover pics. She had such a good time!!!

Now, I'm DONE w/all stress & problems until July when we go to Rochester for her last bible quiz (Nick's quizzing too but, it won't be his last. LOL) and on to Niagra falls for what could be our last family vacation. I'm looking forward to a couple of weeks of peace!!!!!