After reading my Mom's obituary a local newspaper contacted our funeral director to see if we would be interested in speaking to her regarding my Mom. This reporter writes an Epitaph column about locals who have recently passed away when something in their obituary sparks some interest. As it turned out the reporter is a woman I worked with over 30 years ago. She was interested in the fact that my Mom went to Clown School and that was the focus of the article. It appeared in yesterday's paper. The 'paper' version has a nice picture of my Mom and step-dad both 'In Clown' but I can't get the picture to appear in the online version.

Not sure if I ever mentioned to my Shack friends that I have a degree in Clownology! It runs in our family

I also was interviewed last week by a local weekly paper who is doing an article on my Mom and Anaplasmosis. Not sure when it will appear yet.