Thank you so much for all of you who participated in my Great Aunt's 91st Birthday RAK! THank you also for all of the emailed stories I received about the RAK you did for a loved one & how much they enjoyed it!

My Great Aunt has received about 40 cards wishing her a Very Happy 91st Birthday!! She has enjoyed every single one of them, & they all made her smile! At first she thought it was a joke until I explained that the cards were from my "friends." Still today, 2 days after her birthday, cards are still filling her mailbox, & from the emails I've received I know more are on the way.

This past Sunday when we celebrated her birthday with the family, she had about 15 cards. We took her picture with them. I've posted it to the gallery for you to see. However, for her Birthday on Monday, she opened a mailbox full of about 20 more cards! It took her about 5 hours to open & read them all!!! Talk about perfect timing! Thank you all so much for making her birthday week special. It is greatly appreciated, and I can't thank you enough.
