View Full Version : Shack Plus Membership Poll - Please Vote!

07-16-2008, 01:37 PM
There seems to be quite a bit of disagreement on whether we should keep the Shack Plus membership in place or whether we should scrap it. I have decided not to make this decision and will instead let YOU make it.

The cost of running our website is $150 US per month. I just cannot absorb this cost on my own as we are a one income family. I am planning on going back to work in the fall and, perhaps, we can find an alternate solution then. Until that happens, we need to make a decision for right now.

Keep in mind that removing the membership fee means that we will lose our dedicated server and will have to move our entire website back to a shared server. Doing so will mean that our website will operate much, much slower than it does now. And, because the chatroom takes up too much of a server's resources, we will be forced (by the host) to remove the chatroom from our website. We can, of course, get a free chatroom somewhere else but it will consist of ads and unwanted visitors (we cannot put restrictions on who can chat). We will also have to place restrictions on the templates - perhaps 2-5 downloads per person per day.

I am willing to do whatever you all decide. I'm good either way. Majority will rule. And, if you don't vote, you have NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN after the decision has been made.

Poll will close on Friday.

Have fun guys :)

07-16-2008, 01:40 PM
I say keep it.

07-16-2008, 01:41 PM
I love this just the way it is and I don't mind paying for it.

07-16-2008, 01:41 PM
I have voted to keep the fee without any hesitation. I feel the security is better and it also makes in my opinion a friendlier atmosphere.Also it does not deterr in my opinion people from joining. Im happy to pay for quality and that is what shackies receive.

07-16-2008, 01:47 PM
Could you explain why you were wanting to do away with the fee in the first place? What were the pros associated with that (aside from saving each of us $10/ year)?

I am a little torn. I know that by doing away with the fee, it sets this site up to possibly receiving more new members and perhaps making it a larger/more well known site. I feel that this is a great site now, so do we want it to be way too big.. so big that it's hard to keep up with new posts and categories?

I would not mind advertising if it is from reputable stamp companies. I'm always open seeing new stamps so that is one good thing that could come from ads.

As for the privacy issues. What would be the solution to that if we were to go with no fees?

I'm witholding my vote. I would like to see a bit more discussion about this first.

I guess what I'm really trying to ask-- If we say keep it as-is, what new feature will we not be getting that you were planning on adding when you made the change?

07-16-2008, 01:50 PM
i voted for keep the fee

07-16-2008, 01:52 PM
The cost of running our website is $150 US per month. I just cannot absorb this cost on my own as we are a one income family. I am planning on going back to work in the fall and, perhaps, we can find an alternate solution then. Until that happens, we need to make a decision for right now.

Even if you DO go back to work, why would we expect YOU to absorb any costs for the website. That just doesn't make any sense to me. You put way more than enough work into this site as it is. You certainly shouldn't have to put money out of your pocket, too.

07-16-2008, 02:13 PM
I say keep it. You shouldn't have to pay out of your own pocket for the site. I think the fee is cheap enough and doesn't really seem to affect the amount of people who are willing to pay. The site is so nice right now that I would had to see us lose any of our features. I like the security we get that comes with the fee also. I don't want just anyone coming in and finding out all kinds of stuff about us. At least if they want the info they have to pay! LOL!!!!!

Mrs. Fence
07-16-2008, 02:18 PM
$10.00 is a very small price to pay for all we have here. The cost should be shared by us all, and not absorbed by you, Sherry. I have not heard any "pros" for going public and doing away with the fee, so I'm assuming there aren't any, except for each of us saving the fee. And if that's the case, I vote keep the fee and keep the shack the way it is now.

07-16-2008, 02:44 PM
I vote to keep it as it is today, paid members.

07-16-2008, 02:45 PM
You should not be absorbing any costs associated with the website!
Keep the fee.

07-16-2008, 02:59 PM
Could you explain why you were wanting to do away with the fee in the first place? What were the pros associated with that (aside from saving each of us $10/ year)?

There would be no pros other than saving you $10 per year and opening the website up to everyone who wanted to join.

There are many reasons I have been wanting to get rid of the membership fee. I'll list them off for you:

1. I hate being compared to Splitcoast everytime someone has a beef with paying the membership fee. We are not Splitcoast and I have no desire to be like Splitcoast. New users are always emailing me and asking why we charge a membership fee while Splitcoaststampers, the motherload of all stamping sites, is free. What they may not realize is that Splitcoast has a HUGE advertising campaign in place - it costs $100 a day to advertise over there. They also have the Dirty Dozen membership ($14.95 for six months) and have just started their Member Company Campaign, which I'm sure costs money to join. I have no idea what they do with their profits but I can tell you that EVERY cent that this site makes off of membership fees goes right back into The Stamp Shack via upgrades, contest prizes, software purchases and renewals, and of course the dedicated server cost. Without the membership fee, we would NOT have our awesome swap board.

2. I feel bad when a member comes to me and tells me they can't afford the membership fee but would love to become a member of the website. This tears me up! I want everyone to feel welcome here, regardless of their financial status or ability to pay the membership fee.

3. It seems as though whenever I make any sort of change to the website, I am met with some resistance and complaints. Sure, that is to be expected - I know you can't please everyone but I do not like having the 'I am a paying member' card tossed in my face. When I do make a change (which is most often for the better of the website), people will often email me and tell me they feel they are getting less and less for their $10. When this happens, I become upset and begin to feel guilty. I do not like feeling guilty and second guessing myself about the changes I am making. I spend every moment of my free time tending to this website and making templates for you all and I do that because I love to do it and I love the community that we have built here. But when I start feeling guilty, I begin losing my passion for doing this.

The membership fee is not a money thing for me - I personally don't make a dime. I would get rid of the membership and keep things as they are IF I could. What the membership fee does, though, is allow me to offer you a fast, much more stable website, and a website that is filled with cool features such as our custom coded swap board (which I will remind you that Splitcoast does NOT have), our Creative Corner, the chatroom, and our template section.

Like I said, I will go with whatever you guys decide. We are a community and I think we/you should make this decision together.

07-16-2008, 03:00 PM
My vote is to keep the fee too. I like our site just the way it is.

I know there are some who feel that we could get more members if it was free - but I personally don't care if the membership doesn't get very big.
We have all visited the " big" sites - I go to one of them regularly to look around, but I never post or get involved. There are just way too many people. I wonder how they ever get to know each other?

07-16-2008, 03:30 PM
wow. I can't believe things that come out of people's mouths sometimes!! The whole "I'm a paying member" or "I feel like I'm getting less and less for my $10." Give me a break!

Sherry...you shouldn't feel guilty about anything---EVER! It's your website. PERIOD. I understand how you feel though, because I am too a people pleaser.....and I feel guilty about having to make business decisions sometimes even though I shouldn't.

I just want to say something about SCS too. I love SCS. I visit the demo forum of SCS every single day without fail. I get SO many great ideas for my SU business there. SCS is like my upline, since my upline never says "boo" to me. I rarely visit the general side...only because I don't really have the time. However, with all that said....I have FRIENDS here. I don't have friends at SCS. It's just too big. I love having a place where I can come and hang out and feel like we're all friends. That's what I love about the Shack! Plus I can get inspiration and great ideas here as well. So for what it's worth, I agree with you. I wouldn't ever want this site to become like SCS. I love them both, but I love them each for their own reasons, you know? I would totally feel lost without our "homey" and comfortable feeling here!

07-16-2008, 03:38 PM
I don't care for the shared server bit. I remember all the down times we had with it. I don't mind the $10.00 fee at all. Glinda

ETA: Sherry, I just read your last comment and I don't think you have one thing to feel guilty about. As far as I am concerned, someone is pulling your leg when they say they don't have $10.00. Yes things may be tight but they have money to buy stamps. All the benefits they get here far out weigh the fee cost. The templates alone will more than pay for the fee. Sherry you do a fabulous job of running this site and never let anyone tell you different. Glinda

07-16-2008, 03:44 PM
Ok, so I think we should keep the fee and I promise not to waive my paying member card at you! :)

If there are people who truly can not pay the fee then perhaps we can put up an anonomyous tip jar for them or something like that, but I think those who do come forward saying they can't afford it should reconsider their stamping addiction. It's an expensive hobby and $10 for an annual membership is nothing compared to what some of us spend on stamps every month. ** that being said, I do know that issues do come up.. jobs lost.. illness and all that that could hinder someones ability to pay. When someone steps forward with true circumstances that would not allow them to join, then I am all for helping those people join. If they just spent too much on stamps and have no more money left in their mad money jar for membership, then I say let them figure it out themselves.

I like the closeness of this site and do not want it to get huge and crazy and just out of control. Everyone is nice here, there are no petty arguements over which is a better color red or cranberry or whether or not you like the new wall decor line from SU.

07-16-2008, 03:52 PM
As one of the new members I vote to keep it.
When I first discovered this great website I thought I had discovered the mother load. Yes, I lurked around for weeks before I decided to become a full member and when I did I didn't think twice because a fee was required.

07-16-2008, 03:58 PM
l say keep the fee...and don't feel bad Sherry we are so greatful for all that you have done for us and why should you have to put money out or even have to explain yourself ..Thank you for given me a new family and a safe clean place.

07-16-2008, 04:07 PM
I say keep the fee...and don't feel bad Sherry we are so greatful for all that you have done for us and why should you have to put money out or even have to explain yourself ..Thank you for given me a new family and a safe clean place.

I belong to 2 other boards where membership is small (under 50 and 25). I like it that way, personally for the above reasons, too. It's easier to get to know each other, as I have at the other boards and slowly (would help if I was here more often!!) getting to know everyone here, too.

So I guess you know I'd vote for the fee to stay.

07-16-2008, 04:15 PM
Okay, I'm gonna be honest here and not trying to flame or be rude or anything like that, but the only reason I said I was looking forward to the no fee thing is because Sherry posted several days ago that there would be no more fee starting in October. So I was like great! I can save a few dollars. Every dollar I save these days is important to me. We are a one income family as well and I have a son going to college in the Fall. The only stamp money I have spent is money that I have made from selling things and birthday money. Other than that I go months without buying anything stamp related. I certainly understand that it is expensive to run this site. I just assumed Sherry had come up with a way to cover the fee....whether it was advertising, sponsorship or whatever. I certainly wasn't trying to resist or complain. I do appreciate the site and all that is given to us here and it is definitely worth the $10. But now I feel a little bit like an outcast for being honest. :(

07-16-2008, 04:20 PM
By paying the fee makes the Shack a little more secure than other sites. Meaning, that not everyone will have our addresses and personal info. I say keep it, it's worth it and it's a great community that we have had the past 2 years.

07-16-2008, 04:23 PM
Okay, I'm gonna be honest here and not trying to flame or be rude or anything like that, but the only reason I said I was looking forward to the no fee thing is because Sherry posted several days ago that there would be no more fee starting in October. So I was like great! I can save a few dollars. Every dollar I save these days is important to me. We are a one income family as well and I have a son going to college in the Fall. The only stamp money I have spent is money that I have made from selling things and birthday money. Other than that I go months without buying anything stamp related. I certainly understand that it is expensive to run this site. I just assumed Sherry had come up with a way to cover the fee....whether it was advertising, sponsorship or whatever. I certainly wasn't trying to resist or complain. I do appreciate the site and all that is given to us here and it is definitely worth the $10. But now I feel a little bit like an outcast for being honest. :(

I don't think you should feel like an outcast Pat! I didn't think a thing of it if anyone said they felt the other way....no big deal! Really! I think we all totally understand where you were coming from too.


07-16-2008, 04:37 PM
I say keep the fee. I go to SCS and feel overwhelmed there because it is so big, I can never keep up:) I love our group! I actually didn't know there was a fee at SCS until recently. I really like how fast this site is too. What ever the decision is I will still be a member:)

07-16-2008, 04:41 PM
Sherry, I definitely voted to keep the fee. I think this is a great community and like many others, I really like that its not huge! I like that we continue to get new members, with a fee, and yet its still small enough that we can get to know each other.

All of that aside though, Sherry, you absolutely should NOT be absorbing the costs of this site! Please please don't let the comments you mentioned make you feel guilty. You have put together something really special here and something that so many of us love. Please know that we appreciate all the work that you put into making this such a fun place!

:> Karen

07-16-2008, 04:44 PM
Well, I'm wishy-washy--I can clearly see how the $10.00 helps provide all the cool perks that this site offers and also helps with keeping this a more private site.

On the other hand, I feel that I'm constantly having to 'explain' to other people who I would love to come to this site WHY there's a fee to join here and that same sense of what is 'private' for us, almost comes across like 'exclusive' to others. Just what I've encountered.

Added later: Now that I've read thru some of the other posts, I want to add this thought: I think now that so many of the PCMB people are seeing what the Mega Websites feel like, the idea of a smaller and easier to navigate board would be more appealing again. I've also heard some great comments about what a good set up we have for Swapping here--something the new PCMB website is totally lacking.

07-16-2008, 04:50 PM
I can see what Pat means, we are a single income family too, $10 can buy laundry stuff, etc.

However, I have also blown $10 at the local ice cream stand without blinking an eye...so to me $10 is not much when it is over a year.

I feel that $10 is nothing for value of what I have gotten out of the Shack:
1. Friends
2. Inspiration
3. Templates
4. Ability to have flake free swaps
5. Ability to sell my used stamps & know I won't get ganked on them

AND the value of my flood month is well over $10 with all of the cards I have recvd :)

Just my 2 cents.

Back to lurkin' & occasionally posting.

07-16-2008, 05:16 PM
Pat, please do not ever feel like an outcast on this website. We all love you :)

My message definitely wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, least of all you. I encourage EVERYONE here to tell how they feel, straight up. I do not feel like anyone is complaining by being honest.

Someone asked me why I wanted to do away with the fee in the first place and so I was dead honest and told why. Part of my decision to do away with the fee was based on the complaints that I received when I tried to allow more priviledges to Junior members in order to make the website more welcoming for them. In doing something that I thought was good, I was made to feel bad by having someone complain that they were a paying member and by giving the junior members more privileges they were getting less and less for their $10. I admit, it didn't sit well with me.

Don't ever feel bad for stating your feelings and don't feel like you have to change your mind because of what you have read here. If you'd prefer a free site, then by all means, vote that way! :)

07-16-2008, 05:19 PM
Sherry--this is such a shame that you are dealing with this. I say absolutely keep the fee. I'm surprised that's all it is!! As someone already said, this is NOT an inexpensive hobby. If $10 is that much of a detraction to them, that's a different problem. I can honestly say that I have NEVER been in a group that I loved so much--this is so important to me--and evidently many others--I worry sometimes that it won't last forever--You are doing a fantastic job!! Thank you patty

07-16-2008, 05:21 PM
Pat, you have a right to your opinion, that's what Sherry is asking for. I don't think anyone is thinking less of you for doing so, don't feel bad about giving your opinion.

Sherry, I can't even believe someone would say they are getting LESS for their 10 dollars??? Uh no way that's possible with all the wonderful features and regular upgrades.

07-16-2008, 05:25 PM
I haven't read all 3 pages of posts, but I'll admit I'm a little confused here Sherry. You sounded relieved and excited that you were doing away with the fee. A decision that YOU made and were comfortable with. (this was in the sneek peak thread about Shack's 2nd birthday and what we had to look forward to). Although, in that thread you didn't mention the reprecussions of doing away with the membership fee, you still seemed excited.

And now you're second guessing yourself. In my opinion, YOU are the one that puts all your blood, sweat, and tears in to this site. First and foremost it is YOUR site and then everyone else's. We look up to you as our "boss" so-to-speak while we're here.

I don't really have a point to make here, other than I'm confused. And again, you'll never please everybody.

I don't even care about the fee and refrain from voting. I do have an opinion but will still be here no matter what. I think most people have that feeling - they love this place enough to stick around no matter what. Don't see the big deal in this I guess. Just my honest opinion (which I seem to be dishing out freely today! LOL!) :D

07-16-2008, 05:29 PM
I am more of a lurker here, but I honestly feel the fee is well worth your site Sherry. I enjoy lurking here, using the templates, getting inspiration from you all. I think it is minimal to pay for a nice forum.

07-16-2008, 05:31 PM
I voted to keep the fee, but if you had a "I don't mind either way" column in there, I would have checked that one. I agree with Vicki. It's your decision. You make it and we'll still be here.

edited to add-- Yes. I am wishy washy.. just in case you haven't noticed that already. :)

07-16-2008, 05:34 PM
Okay, I'm gonna be honest here and not trying to flame or be rude or anything like that, but the only reason I said I was looking forward to the no fee thing is because Sherry posted several days ago that there would be no more fee starting in October. So I was like great! I can save a few dollars. Every dollar I save these days is important to me. We are a one income family as well and I have a son going to college in the Fall. The only stamp money I have spent is money that I have made from selling things and birthday money. Other than that I go months without buying anything stamp related. I certainly understand that it is expensive to run this site. I just assumed Sherry had come up with a way to cover the fee....whether it was advertising, sponsorship or whatever. I certainly wasn't trying to resist or complain. I do appreciate the site and all that is given to us here and it is definitely worth the $10. But now I feel a little bit like an outcast for being honest. :(
Patti the one thing l love about the stamp shack is that we can all be honest and l thank you for being honest..we all have a right to say how we feel and l don't think anyone here would want you to think of yourself as an outcast..That is what makes this a very special place..we cry, laugh,play, and learn from each other but we are all a family and your part of our family..We have no outcasts here..Big Hugs..

07-16-2008, 05:48 PM
When I was first introduced to the shack I was apprehensive about signing up due to the membership fee :embarrassed:, having visited the site 3 or 4 times I decided that I would pay the membership fee...and I SO glad that I did... :spinny: its a nice friendly site, I love the no flaking Policy and the chat room ....

I'm on another forum here in the uk which has no membership, its so big,, ...not nice at all sometimes :no2:.. I tend to lurk on there and only talk via private messages to certain people....

So I've voted to keep the fee...

07-16-2008, 06:08 PM
Keep it! What's 10.00 for heaven's sake right?

07-16-2008, 06:10 PM
I vote yes!

Paula Carden
07-16-2008, 06:30 PM
Is $10.00 per member enough to pay the 150.00 per month?
I like that it is membership based and that you have some restrictions on what happens.
I am happy to pay!!!

07-16-2008, 06:35 PM
Pat, please do not ever feel like an outcast on this website. We all love you :)

My message definitely wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, least of all you. I encourage EVERYONE here to tell how they feel, straight up. I do not feel like anyone is complaining by being honest.

Someone asked me why I wanted to do away with the fee in the first place and so I was dead honest and told why. Part of my decision to do away with the fee was based on the complaints that I received when I tried to allow more priviledges to Junior members in order to make the website more welcoming for them. In doing something that I thought was good, I was made to feel bad by having someone complain that they were a paying member and by giving the junior members more privileges they were getting less and less for their $10. I admit, it didn't sit well with me.

Don't ever feel bad for stating your feelings and don't feel like you have to change your mind because of what you have read here. If you'd prefer a free site, then by all means, vote that way! :)

Thanks Sherry and everyone else, for allowing me to be honest. More than likely I probably still would pay the $10. Its just that these days when savings is dangled in front of my face, it makes me happy! LOL Like for instance, I practically did the happy dance when my mortgage actually went down $30 a month! :jiggy:Like Vicki, I was just a little confused by the whole thing.

I really do appreciate everyone here and all the creativity you all share. And especially you Sherry for all the hard work that you put into the site. :notworthy:Up until last year I was a jr. administrator and moderator on another message board so I know first hand about all the behind the scenes work as well.

07-16-2008, 06:50 PM
I say, keep the fee!! $10 is a very small price to pay for something so fantastic!!!!

07-16-2008, 06:50 PM
I vote for keep the fee. It's small enough that it doesn't make a huge impact on the wallet, but provides a reasonable amount of security regarding our information.
I also believe that because of the fees we are spam/troll free :) Which is AWESOME!
I would think that we are a tight enough community that if one of our fellow Shackie's couldnt afford the renewal fee at the time theirs was due, that we could chip in to get it paid for :)

07-16-2008, 08:16 PM
I voted to keep the fee. I would never want you to have to pay out of your own pocket Sherry.I also like the added security I feel and the smaller member base.
I love the flake free swapping and you know I love the Chat room.
If the majority voted to do away with the fee, I would still be here, but would not have my personal detail on show, and we could find a way to chat.
Thankyou for all that you do Sherry.

07-16-2008, 08:17 PM
A BIG vote from me to keep the fee, the website feels more secure to me that way.

You know the old saying, " if it not broke, why try to fix it" ?

07-16-2008, 09:19 PM

1. I hate being compared to Splitcoast everytime someone has a beef with paying the membership fee. We are not Splitcoast and I have no desire to be like Splitcoast.

2. I feel bad when a member comes to me and tells me they can't afford the membership fee but would love to become a member of the website. This tears me up! I want everyone to feel welcome here, regardless of their financial status or ability to pay the membership fee.

3. It seems as though whenever I make any sort of change to the website, I am met with some resistance and complaints. Sure, that is to be expected - I know you can't please everyone but I do not like having the 'I am a paying member' card tossed in my face. When I do make a change (which is most often for the better of the website), people will often email me and tell me they feel they are getting less and less for their $10. When this happens, I become upset and begin to feel guilty. I do not like feeling guilty and second guessing myself about the changes I am making. I spend every moment of my free time tending to this website and making templates for you all and I do that because I love to do it and I love the community that we have built here. But when I start feeling guilty, I begin losing my passion for doing this.

The membership fee is not a money thing for me - I personally don't make a dime. I would get rid of the membership and keep things as they are IF I could. What the membership fee does, though, is allow me to offer you a fast, much more stable website, and a website that is filled with cool features such as our custom coded swap board (which I will remind you that Splitcoast does NOT have), our Creative Corner, the chatroom, and our template section.


1. Me neither Sherry!

2. I say if they are truly looking for a stamping website, then they're most likely an avid stamper, which means they spend $10 easy on supplies. Of course I realize this may not apply to everyone....Times are hard for all of us right now, but I can still scrape $10 off of my hubby's dresser in his change cup. LOL

3.I can't think of one single time that you've changed something on this website that wasn't for the better. What has been taken away? As far as people getting "less and less" for their $10, I would state somewhere in the membership fee that the $10 covers a dedicated server, access to the templates and swapping, the security of keeping our addresses private, and everything else is a perk that may be changed without notice.

Sherry, I can't imagine the weight you must have on your shoulders right now. Please know that I have been VERY impressed over the last almost 2 years now that this website has not had any major fights, bashing, flaking on swaps, etc. That is the main reason I left PCMB because it was not monitored. I am so thankful for the hard work you have put into this place and you should be PROUD of it, not discouraged. I think you deserve a round of applause.


07-16-2008, 09:42 PM
I voted to keep the fee, but if you had a "I don't mind either way" column in there, I would have checked that one. I agree with Vicki. It's your decision. You make it and we'll still be here.

edited to add-- Yes. I am wishy washy.. just in case you haven't noticed that already. :)

I agree with CharityHand and voted to keep the fee, but really don't care either way. Sherry, I feel like you call the shots here and you do a great, great job. Whatever you decide to do is fine with me.

07-16-2008, 09:55 PM
I agree with Mary ! Sherry you should feel very PROUD of this site. Shame on anyone for making you feel bad. Big hugs and applause for you!

07-16-2008, 11:12 PM
I would never expect you to pay for our shack yourself! keep it!!

Mabye a free trial membership for new people then they could see what they get for just $10 a year!

07-16-2008, 11:14 PM

Thanks for this wonderful site. I vote to keep the membership fee. I can bring my lunch once or twice during a week and have money to pay the membership fee. JMO.


07-16-2008, 11:15 PM
boy, i missed a lot today!!

i say keep the fee. i've always thought that this site is definately worth more than the $10 a year we pay. and with the economy the way it is, even though $10 would buy me two gallons of gas, i'd rather ride the bus for a week than give up my shack.

07-16-2008, 11:32 PM
I say keep the fee. I don't think the $10 is alot by any means for all that we get here. Think of it this way: $10 for the year actually turns out to be approx. 83 cents per month. I know we all spend more than 83 cents just on paper alone for this hobby yet alone stamps! Also, 83 cents per month to keep your addy private for paying members only speaks for itself. I love the Shack and all that goes on here. I truely would miss it if it were gone, and don't know what I did before I found it. I have been inspired, learned so many things on so many topics, and most of all have made many friends.

Sherry you have done a wonderful job managing this site and for all you do, 83 cents a month is more than worth it! Thank you for all you've done!

07-16-2008, 11:33 PM
to keep the fee. I was actually upset to think we would be fee free! hmm..how often does that happen?:err:
I like that our profiles are somewaht secure with the fee, and that I don't have to worry about getting stalked by some weirdo in the chat room.
and that does not even mention the fact that NO WAY should you have to pay out of pocket to fund this site. we are a community, and I feel like family, and as such we should all help support it. gosh..I pay almost 10.00 for 1 magazine that I might enjoy for a few hours..and if I logged how many hours I spend here..well maybe we shouldn't go there..lol
any ways you do a fab job and no way should you pay..and I definatly don't want to go back, to the shared server..I'd pay double not to go back there.
I like the idea of maybe having a tip jar..so if ashackie was having a hard time at the time of their renewal, that maybe we could help..though I have no idea how to set something up.
sincerly yours..
"keep the fee"

07-16-2008, 11:45 PM
Even if you DO go back to work, why would we expect YOU to absorb any costs for the website. That just doesn't make any sense to me. You put way more than enough work into this site as it is. You certainly shouldn't have to put money out of your pocket, too.

I totally agree!

07-17-2008, 12:41 AM
It's worth $10 to me to visit a drama free zone. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the positive supportive creative vibe the shack has going on.

07-17-2008, 03:04 AM
I'm positive that if we were not happy to pay the fee's we wouldn't be here....right! So buy us paying the fees really answers the question....Yeah! Personally I want to thank you Sherry for having the knowledge,patience & foresight for Stamp-Shack, I may not enter competitions, swaps etc... or post or chat very often but I look in 7days a week & it's great to know that even from the other side of the world I can come here a feel a part of something.

07-17-2008, 08:34 AM
I vote to keep the fee and even up it a few bucks. If we up it a few bucks, it could pay you a salary to keep you at home! I am sad to hear that you are feeling guilty for some people's silly, petty crap! I am glad we are not like splitcoast. If someone thinks it is the motherload, why are they bothering you, they should go there. There is so much drama on every other board I've been involved with. The Shack is my home on the web, and I'll pay whatever it costs to be here!

07-17-2008, 11:17 AM
Mabye a free trial membership for new people then they could see what they get for just $10 a year!

That's a great idea Chris...a trial membership. Though I would put restrictions on the template download for trial members. Let them see the templates.....tease them.....but no ability to download.

I love this site. It's my first experience on a message board, and you girls are closer to me than my own blood relatives...lol

Kreative Dryve
07-17-2008, 12:39 PM
I say keep it with a fee if they want all the added benefits.

07-17-2008, 02:24 PM
you girls are closer to me than my own blood relatives...lol

Ain't that the truth!!!!!!!!!

I hear ya' sister!!!

07-17-2008, 02:37 PM
I can't any longer. It seems to me that everyone is making a bigger deal about this then it has to be. I mean Sherry Already posted that she was going to take the membership fee away. So there it goes, I mean if all of you are worried about safety anf privacy don't you think that anyone who knows you last name can google were you live? I mean today with the net it is so easy to find anything about anyone. I'm not saying that I feel Sherry should take the money out of her own pocket to ay for the site, I definetly believe that it should be all of our responability for the care of this site. I also think that it ois rude for people to have Sherry second guessing herself once she makes a decesion. And thats my concern. As far as templates and stuff maybe something could be set up where you pay as you use. I don't know its just a suggestion. Please don't think that Im flaming anybody but everyone seems to like this site because of the less drama and yet we have a thread that is 6 pages long with a poll no less. If thats not drama then I don't know what is. I'm sorry if I offended anyone thats just the way that I feel, and as far as voting I'm not cause I feel that this is Sherry's site and she should go with her gut and her own decision.

07-17-2008, 02:57 PM
I don't really feel this is drama at all. I'm really glad that Sherry values all of our opinions. But with that said....I don't think anyone would be upset with whatever Sherry decides to do.....unless of course it's to take away the site altogether. I would cry.

07-17-2008, 03:24 PM
don't you think that anyone who knows you last name can google were you live?

Unless someone here is a paying member, they wouldn't have any way of knowing my last name. At least that's the way I understand it. That's my concern. I don't want everyone and their brother just being able to see my name and address on my profile. I realize that if someone really wanted to, they could just pay the $10 and have access to all of it. But it's just a preventative measure....that's all. It just makes it a little bit harder for them.

That's my take on it anyway....but again...it's just my opinion!!

07-17-2008, 03:32 PM
Unless someone here is a paying member, they wouldn't have any way of knowing my last name. At least that's the way I understand it. That's my concern. I don't want everyone and their brother just being able to see my name and address on my profile. I realize that if someone really wanted to, they could just pay the $10 and have access to all of it. But it's just a preventative measure....that's all. It just makes it a little bit harder for them.

That's my take on it anyway....but again...it's just my opinion!!

I do understand why you want your security, i do too I was just saying that the $10 fee is not 100% full proof. and that Sherry needs to feel comfortable with her decesion once she makes one and we all should respect that ( not picking on anyone personally)

07-17-2008, 05:46 PM
I vote to keep the fee so that Sherry does not have to pay it. I support the idea of paying Sherry (and the moderators) for it as well- but that is another issue.

If some people don't or can't pay the $10.00, then perhaps a couple of us could cover for them. We all have had good months and bad months...Everyone should have to pay for one full year (to show commitment and to let us know who they really are) before they can ask PRIVATELY for assistance....

My suggestion for the emails comparing the Shack to others or complaining about the fee may very well be tackled from another standpoint -before they even get to Sherry's in box -perhaps before anyone can contact Sherry with a concern, they can click on a link that has a couple of responses to their questions. ie: "Issues? Problems? Anxiety? Click here!" Then it would explain the reasons and offer the person the opportunity to find another site they find more tolerable...really - why invite negative nellies?
Ok- that's my 27 cents worth..
Thank you Sherry- it's your site- I support whatever you choose.

07-17-2008, 11:20 PM
Holy cow batman, what did I miss, while I was stamping late into the night with Suzi and Tracy.

Ok my 2 cents worth and it will be short and I did read all 7 pages of posts.

Sherry, I love this site and I love everything you do, I would be lost without it. I don't think you should foot the bill for that regardless of your job or home situation. You are providing a service, we should pay for it. I like no advertising, the world has too many billboards, junk, and worthless marketing noise.

If we have folks that would like to join but can't afford the fee grant them a scholarship. I'm behind you 100% on which ever you decided.

07-17-2008, 11:33 PM
My suggestion for the emails comparing the Shack to others or complaining about the fee may very well be tackled from another standpoint -before they even get to Sherry's in box -perhaps before anyone can contact Sherry with a concern, they can click on a link that has a couple of responses to their questions. ie: "Issues? Problems? Anxiety? Click here!" Then it would explain the reasons and offer the person the opportunity to find another site they find more tolerable...really - why invite negative nellies?
Ok- that's my 27 cents worth..Thank you Sherry- it's your site- I support whatever you choose. ~Cheryl

I think this is a great idea!!

07-18-2008, 08:11 AM
KEEP IT!! ;) :wubclub:

07-18-2008, 09:01 AM
I can't any longer. It seems to me that everyone is making a bigger deal about this then it has to be. I mean Sherry Already posted that she was going to take the membership fee away. So there it goes, I mean if all of you are worried about safety anf privacy don't you think that anyone who knows you last name can google were you live? I mean today with the net it is so easy to find anything about anyone. I'm not saying that I feel Sherry should take the money out of her own pocket to ay for the site, I definetly believe that it should be all of our responability for the care of this site. I also think that it ois rude for people to have Sherry second guessing herself once she makes a decesion. And thats my concern. As far as templates and stuff maybe something could be set up where you pay as you use. I don't know its just a suggestion. Please don't think that Im flaming anybody but everyone seems to like this site because of the less drama and yet we have a thread that is 6 pages long with a poll no less. If thats not drama then I don't know what is. I'm sorry if I offended anyone thats just the way that I feel, and as far as voting I'm not cause I feel that this is Sherry's site and she should go with her gut and her own decision.

That's exactly what I was trying to say but you said it better! ;) And again, I would never want Sherry to pay out of her pocket - I just assumed she had an alternative that we would find out about during Shack's birthday celebration (since that was the thread she announced this in). I do think this is a big deal about nothing which IS drama. It's just not "bad" drama like you see on other sites. We are all being NICE about this, but again - a big deal about nothing. Sherry needs to be comfortable whatever decision she makes without everone questioning her.

07-18-2008, 10:11 AM
Thank you, everyone, for your comments on this topic. I'm glad everyone felt comfortable enough to share your thoughts even though it may have differed from someone elses.

I like to think of The Stamp Shack as a big ol' house in which many people live. So, in essence, you all are my roomates. As with any kind of 'living arrangement', everyone residing under the same roof must come to a collective agreement on how the household should be run and that is why I often come to you for advice and your opinions. I feel I must apologize for I am the creator of this drama. If I wasn't always second guessing myself, we wouldn't be having this very well manner discussion (thank you for keeping it civilized!). Let me explain my actions to those of you who are confused.

I wanted to get rid of the membership fee, that is true. And, I was hoping to do that in October before the next round of membership fees were due. I was confident that most users were opposed to the membership fee just as much as I so I thought that by announcing this change everyone would be thrilled. I soon found out (via emails and PMs) that most users actually prefer having the fee in place (this is obvious by looking at the poll results) and I was asked if I would reconsider. I thought about the issue some more and decided to reverse my original plan - the membership fee would stay put. Word must have gotten out through the grapevine because I hadn't yet announced the reversal when I began receiving proclamations of disappointment from some of the users who were in favor of removing the membership fee. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place! It was at that moment that I realized that I couldn't be the one to make this decision. I am a people pleaser and having to make this decision was just stressing me out beyond belief. So, I placed the decision in your hands. I know this isn't how a 'leader' is supposed to behave but, unfortunately, I don't possess a type 'A' personality. To make a long story short, I should not have assumed that users were unhappy with the membership fee and I should have left well enough alone. Period.

I have learned a lot about running a website over the past two years. It certainly isn't easy trying to please 300 or so people at the same time. I have also learned that I love this website and the community that we have built together. No where else on the internet will you find a more intimate, supportive, or friendlier group of ladies. You all should be very proud of the 'home' you've created. Please know that any decision I make is in the best interest of the website as a whole and is never intended to make anyone feel unwanted or excluded.

I am going to close this thread now as I think the topic has been discussed to death. Based on the poll results, the membership fee will remain in place. If ANYONE feels that they cannot afford to pay the membership fees when they become due again, please please please contact me privately. We will work something out. We want none of our Shackies leaving home.