View Full Version : Iowa Girls have landed at home

04-26-2009, 08:05 PM
After we blew half the way here. My gosh the wind was awful driving home. We drove thru one tiny storm that wasn't too bad on the way home and did three short stretch stops othewise we went straight thru. So it is a good 8 hour drive when it is done without the shopping stops. I am sad it is over and it is time to go back to work almost. Well I am off to get caught up on the board now that I am home and missed part of the Ink a palooza. I have to read up on what everyone has been doing.

Chris-When I got home my 6 year old wanted to know what I got for her on the trip and I was busy unpacking stuff not paying attention to her trying to find what she asked for and she began to dig in my bags too and almost tried to eat the cupcake you made. We all had a really good laugh about it together. So she has claimed the cupcake for her own and it is now sitting on her bedside table in her room. To quote her, "that is really neat Mom, it looks real, whoever made it did a really good job it doesn't even look like paper."

04-26-2009, 08:07 PM
Glad you guys all made it home safe and sound. It was awesome to meet you all, even if we didn't get much time to chat. And that is a great cupcake, I have all my stuff to go to work to show off tomorrow!

04-26-2009, 09:32 PM
Glad you guys made it home okay! Enjoyed meeting you and Tracey and Suzanne. I'll check out your swaps...

04-26-2009, 09:34 PM
so GLAD you made it home! Yeah! I told my girls I had something for them and they were so excited!

04-26-2009, 09:46 PM
Glad to hear you made it home even with that storm blowing you along the highway.

I'm tired so I bet you are too. Took me 10 1/2 hours to get home.

04-26-2009, 10:03 PM
Glad you guys made it home ... I too battled that wind!

There was an incident with a wild turkey a few cars ahead of me, but other than that it was an ok drive.

I am soooo tired!

04-27-2009, 10:11 AM
glad you are all home safely. We had a nice sunny drive home south...about 10 hours (11 counting the bathroom stops and eating lunch)

It was so nice to meet all of you :)

04-27-2009, 05:42 PM
I'm glad you made it home! The wind was crazy!!

I'm glad you stopped her before eating that cupcake! EWWW... I'm also glad she really likes it!