View Full Version : Womanly Advice Needed

10-24-2009, 09:59 PM
I'm 45 and everything seems to be falling apart, I swear! I'm sure I'm in some phase of menopause, and I'm looking for some advice from those of you who have been there. My periods have been really heavy and not regular at all for the last year or so. Lately, every time I have my period I seem to also get some other ailement at the same time. I've also got diabetes now, so maybe that is playing a role here too. I'm not sure. Does this sound familiar to anyone? This week I've been dealing with allergies Of course, I plan to speak with my doc about it at my next visit which is in a month or two, but in the meantime I'd love to hear from you too.

10-24-2009, 10:03 PM
Yep there, I'm right there with ya Mary and I'm 46. I got tested back a few months ago as I hadn't gotten a period in months. The dr said Oh you're too young to be in menopause and I said "On Oprah's tv show, the dr said that no one can be too young and if the dr says that, we should find a new dr." She shut right up and ordered me some blood tests. Sure enough, I am right in the middle of it. I went 6 months, no period then wham, it surprised me. i swear it was like i was a teenager again. Cramps and everything. That was in August, again, none since then. I have been falling apart too. Its always something although I think if I could get some weight off, some of my ailments would go away.

10-24-2009, 10:09 PM
Don't believe any doctor that says you are too young to go through menopause. I was 39 years old when I started mine. My period stopped completely and I was put on estrogen and progesterine (spelling ??) I took those drugs for quite a few years before my gyno decided that I didn't need them any more. I still have not had a period BUT I am very susceptible to heat. I don't get hot flashes any more but I am always hot. I can walk out in 32 degree weather without a coat or sweater and be fine. Now I also have thyroid issues which may add to the problem. Keep us updated on what your doctor thinks.

10-24-2009, 10:12 PM
I'm just starting..oh let the roller coaster begin!!!
It's like being a teenager in reverse!!! what cruel joke is this>> why I think men should have menapuase..it's the least the slackers could do!

10-24-2009, 10:52 PM
I'm 45 and my symptoms have been hot flashes, my cheeks look flushed more often, my heart feels like it is beating out of my chest sometimes, and my periods are coming closer together. I have had more headaches in the last two years than I ever had before.

dancing queen
10-24-2009, 11:28 PM
I have to share this... I'm 63 and started maybe around 55. I'm a person who loves the heat (honest) but I suffered through the worst hot flashes in the world... used to wake up in the middle of the night and have to change clothes because I was so hot & sweaty. I really thought it would only last a year or two... WRONG! I'm finally "flash free" after many, many years. Whose idea was this anyway?!? And how come the guys our age are riding around in hot convertibles with young babes? (do I sound bitter?, sorry)

Paula Carden
10-24-2009, 11:48 PM
I would say the hard part is -it goes for a while! Makes you feel as if you are not in control of anything-especially emotions. See a doc-there are things (drugs) that can make it easier for you- especially the hot flashes- those were the worst for me and sometimes still get them. But for me the worst is over at age 52.

10-25-2009, 12:46 AM
I'm 46 and I've been dealing with hot flashes and all the rest for 10 years now. I finally found the right birth control pill that kept the symptoms manageable. I just quit taking it about a month ago testing the waters to see if I'm finished with all this mess. I wake up just once during the night hot, throw off the covers, cool off and go back to sleep. No menstrual cycle for so long that I don't remember. I haven't found that doctors are particularly helpful. Had to figure it out on my own by talking with friends and demanding the right ocp's. I don't have good genes in this area, my great grandmother was still having hot flashes in her 90's.

10-25-2009, 03:10 AM
Oh Boy... I am right there with you Ladies and I am 48...been going through it for many years now....my mom swore that she was in Menopause for 20 years... I dont know...but I do know that most Dr's are not a big help in this area... what I do find that helps is Black Cohosh and Rose Hips... I find with these all of the symptoms are managable for me. Goodluck

10-25-2009, 05:22 AM
How could I forget the hot flashes? I have been having those for AT LEAST 8 years I swear. I know I had them in FL and we've been here for 4 already so I bet it has been that long. I used to wake up at night and have to change my clothes I was so sweaty but haven't done that in awhile. I am always hot!! Maybe that's why I hate FL now. HA

10-25-2009, 10:17 AM
I used Black Cohosh for the hot flashes. I still get them from time to time like yesterday. Had to run the a/c all day and the fans. Opening the windows & doors didn't help a bit. I still have hot flashes in the night from time to time. No period in a few years. I think I started around 50. Still moody, but my family says I've been moody most of my life. I tell them to kiss it where the sun don't shine! LOL. I haven't taken any kind of medicine except the Black Cohosh and my dr. did share that with me.

I too think it's a crock that we get to have all this mess & the men just have a big time in life. I mean Adam took a bite of that apple when Eve enticed him with it. He's just as guilty! LOL.

10-25-2009, 10:24 AM
Wow..this has been my question of late as well. I also now have horrible acne - ick! I would think that my body could choose between the menopausal hot flashes (FLOODS at night) or puberty type acne...geez! I guess we all have good company!

10-25-2009, 11:17 AM
Wow..this has been my question of late as well. I also now have horrible acne - ick! I would think that my body could choose between the menopausal hot flashes (FLOODS at night) or puberty type acne...geez! I guess we all have good company!

Oh yeah, that has been happening to me too. You'd think in this age of advanced medical knowledge we wouldn't have to put up with all this junk! We need some menopausal female docotors to find us some relief! I don't have time for all the annoyances, I've got things to do.

10-25-2009, 11:30 AM
Thankfully, I am finished with it all...I was relatively lucky...just heavy periods and drenching sweats at night.
I hope you all find help with this.
I do have one question, though......WHY do they call it "MENopause?" It should be "Womenopause" or something like that!
Men don't deserve to have a woman's phenomenom named after them! LOL

10-25-2009, 11:49 AM
Thankfully, I am finished with it all...I was relatively lucky...just heavy periods and drenching sweats at night.
I hope you all find help with this.
I do have one question, though......WHY do they call it "MENopause?" It should be "Womenopause" or something like that!
Men don't deserve to have a woman's phenomenom named after them! LOL

maybe it's because" men" should "pause" and think very carefully before speaking to a woman at this time in her life??
just a thought

10-25-2009, 12:24 PM
Oh yeah, that has been happening to me too. You'd think in this age of advanced medical knowledge we wouldn't have to put up with all this junk!

All the Drs. are inventing "boner" pills for the guys. They can't be bothered with OUR problems when there 70yo men out there who can preform w/their 24yo trophy wives.

But, that's just MY opionion. LOL

10-25-2009, 12:42 PM
Gosh Mary...I wish I could give you some good advice. I'm almost 39 and I don't think I've started any of this yet. I have been on the Depo-Provera shot for about 7 years now, and I haven't had a period in all that time. I don't miss it one bit! I don't ever want to have another one again! So like I said, I don't have any advice for you, but I'm here for you, and I hope this goes by quickly for you!

10-25-2009, 02:09 PM
maybe it's because" men" should "pause" and think very carefully before speaking to a woman at this time in her life??
just a thought

Well said, Cindi. I'm still laughing!

10-25-2009, 02:14 PM
maybe it's because" men" should "pause" and think very carefully before speaking to a woman at this time in her life??
just a thought

THAT is hysterical!!!

10-25-2009, 03:48 PM
amen, Cindi!!!

10-25-2009, 03:58 PM
I guess I am super blessed -- no hot flashes for me! I may have had one or two -- but that was all. I haven't had a period now for about 18 months - so I think I'm done at 53. They say if you go 12 months without one you are done -- but I went 11 months once and got one -- so I figure our bodies don't know the rules and if you can go 11 months, you can probably go 13! LOL!.

The biggest issue I had with menopause -- about 5 years ago -- out of the blue -- for no good reason -- I started having anxiety attacks. The kind where you can't get out of bed for a few weeks and I couldn't drive a car for a couple of months. They ran all kinds of test and the best anyone could figure out -- was that it was related to menopause. I tried lots of meds, couple of shrinks, gradually worked my way out of it. No meds now for a few years and I'm back 99%. I don't think you ever get back to 100% because anxiety changes you. (I don't have anxiety any more, but it's often in the back of my mind...)

Good luck on the journey ahead -- and I agree with Suzi -- why Viagra -- when they can't help us?

10-25-2009, 09:03 PM
I agree with all of you ... I had plenty of hot flashes, kept a fan under my desk at work and ran it daily for years. People couldn't believe I really needed it even in the Winter. As for why women and not men, my opinion (and it's just an opinion) is that God knew men could never handle all of that. That said, I also wonder why with all of the technology can't something be done to relieve the symptoms.