View Full Version : My Mother has "unfriended" me on FB?!?!

06-26-2010, 03:45 PM
And my kids & my SIL & her kids. Huh??? I don't even know why. And, to be perfectly honest, I probably don't CARE why!!! I called her 2 weeks ago to talk to my dad. My dad wasn't home. She got very negative w/me & I terminated the call (I did say bye & then hung up!)

I usually call her every Sunday but didn't the Sunday after that & quite frankly, a whole week went by before I realized that I hadn't talked to her all week. I did send my dad a FD card w/a g/c in it & he called me on Monday & we talked for about 45 min (an impossibility unless mom is gone). On Tue or Wed, my SIL sent me an IM telling me that mom had dropped her & her kids from FB. I just figured she got sick of the whole FB thing & deactivated her account (she's done this before).

Well today, I finally got around to checking & she does still have an active FB account but apparently doesn't want her family on it. My mom is always weird but this seems a bit much even for her. My bro (married to the SIL who IMed me & who lives near her in Bolivar, MO) dropped by last night. I asked him if he knew why she was mad & he didn't know. He had been over there at the day before FD & all my mom talked to him about was my witch (cheater) SIL and Kevin didn't want to talk about her & left.

Oh well. I guess it'll blow over. We're supposed to go down there in 3 weeks but I guess we'll just see Kevin & Missy and not drop in on them?? Sorry to dump on y'all but I do feel better at least "voicing" it. Hubby's tired of her shenanagins!

Oh yeah, she also supposedly dropped her "best friend". They've had issues in the past too. <sigh>

06-26-2010, 05:40 PM
I thought she canceled her account, but then you said she didn't. Well stay positive and then maybe she'll friend you again.

06-26-2010, 06:11 PM
Sorry you are having this issue with your mom. Hope that if you have children they are not aware of this problem. Probably would be something they would remember. I, personally, am not on FB, it's too public for me and I'm not that interesting. I hope everything works out for the best for you.

06-26-2010, 07:20 PM
sorry Suzi. I hope whatever teh trouble is it will blow over soon

06-26-2010, 08:31 PM
Suzi, I think sometimes mothers are like that. She will soon realize how much she needs to talk to you and will befriend you again. Hang in there.

Paula Carden
06-26-2010, 08:55 PM
Thinking of you!!

06-26-2010, 09:43 PM
Wow, it sounds like your mom is a difficult person to get along with. Hopefully it will blow over soon. I know we all want to have wonderful, happy relationships with our families, but sometimes you just can't....period.

06-26-2010, 10:06 PM
Don't let it get to you Suzi.... Sounds like a power struggle or a cry for attention to me. Only you know which of those sounds most likely.
My teenage Nephew has an "open" FB account, and I could read all his posts. I was worried by some of the things he said (mostly that he could lose his job over them, since it was open to everyone to read), and spoke to my sister...guess what? He "blocked" me! He had already blocked her ages ago.

06-27-2010, 12:59 AM
that is odd.

06-27-2010, 08:49 AM
Don't let it get to you Suzi.... Sounds like a power struggle or a cry for attention to me. Only you know which of those sounds most likely.
My teenage Nephew has an "open" FB account, and I could read all his posts. I was worried by some of the things he said (mostly that he could lose his job over them, since it was open to everyone to read), and spoke to my sister...guess what? He "blocked" me! He had already blocked her ages ago.

Probably cry for attention. Funny you mention your nephew; I think my mom is regressing to her teenage/rebellious years. the last time she was hear, we got into a spat. She got made & took off in her car. That's something I would have done when I was mad at her when I was 17! I'm sure it'll all blow over. Usually, I KNOW why she's mad. Its just freaky that this time I don't. her B'day is next week. I'll send a card & a g/c to HER & we'll see if SHE calls..... If not, no big loss.

The only thing that IS a problem is she won't let anyone get to my dad except going thru her. EVERYONE loves my dad, he's a genuinely nice guy! NO ONE likes my mom. So she forces people to "deal" w/her if they want to talk to my dad. She's 65yo, she's not going to change. I keep telling myself I have to change MY reaction to her. Easier said than done....

Mrs. Fence
06-27-2010, 05:13 PM
So sorry Suzi. I hope it smooths out soon. Stress is never fun. Hugs to you.

06-27-2010, 07:27 PM
Oh my... and the buggar of it is that even if you already know that she is difficult or (most likely) has some bigger issue/s...it still hurts and frustrates when you are the recipient.
Sorry you need to deal with this. Knowing you though, I see this as an opportunity to show your kids how to act and not act...

Good luck and HUGS!!!