View Full Version : I Read this book last night

06-10-2011, 10:29 AM
It's called Letters to God by Partick Doughtie and John Perry.

I couldn't put the book down once I started reading it.

Warning!!!!!!! It's a tear jerker. Don't read it before you go to bed , like I did!

12-31-2011, 09:08 AM
I may look for this today -- going shopping

12-31-2011, 10:41 AM
My 14yo dgs is reading Jurassic Park (Grade 8) Since I never saw the movie I thought maybe I would read it so he and I could talk about it. I finished it last night. WOW!!! What a concept---hope it never happens.

01-01-2012, 12:14 AM
My 14yo dgs is reading Jurassic Park (Grade 8) Since I never saw the movie I thought maybe I would read it so he and I could talk about it. I finished it last night. WOW!!! What a concept---hope it never happens.

You must see the movie! It is one of my favorites.

01-01-2012, 10:13 PM
I just finished Snow Angel by Glenn Beck and it was a great book too!!! Maybe we should do a book swap!