Please be advised that our Template Database is available to Shack Plus Members only. Shack Plus is an add-on to the basic Stamp Shack membership and can be purchased for a cost of just $12 per year. For more information on Shack Plus, please click the Shack Plus link on our navigation menu.

Terms of Use:

By downloading templates you are agreeing that all products (excluding those freely uploaded and shared by our website users) are, and shall remain, the property of PaperShapez with permission for use at The Stamp Shack. They are being licensed to you as a single user.

You have the right:

• To use the products for your own personal projects.
• To use the products at stamp camps/clubs provided that 'The Stamp Shack' credit remains legible on the template.
• To submit your artwork for print publication. Credit is always appreciated :)

You do NOT have the right:

• To share, loan, rent, resell, or distribute the products.
• To upload the products on your blog or any other website to offer for download.
• To make copies of the products other than for back-up purposes.
• To copy by electronic means, reproduce, modify, or create derivative works from the products for the purpose of resale or distribution.

By clicking 'Accept', you agree that you abide by these terms. Violation of these terms may result in a permanent ban from this website and/or the template database.

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