We received a few requests wondering if it is possible to give a Shack Plus membership as a gift. This is possible and a great inexpensive gift idea so we are posting how it works below in case any other members are interested.
The member giving the Shack Plus gift would just need to do the following:
1. Send membership fee payment via PayPal to [email protected]
***Note the gift receivers full name, Shack User Name (if they are already a junior member), and email address.***
UPDATE: If you would like to give a Shack Plus membership secretly, just note, "Send as an anonymous gift" and we will not disclose who the gift is from.
2. Upon receipt of the PayPal payment, within 48 hours we will notify the gift receiver by email that they have received a Shack Plus membership gift and we will email the gift giver to confirm that the gift was properly given.
3. The gift receiver will then be asked to register as a junior member of the site (if they are not already), and within 48 hours their Shack Plus membership will be fully activated.
This is a manual process for us so that is why it may take up to 48 hours...but in most cases we should be able to get things processed much faster for you. If you have any additional questions about giving the gift of Shack Plus membership please send us a PM.