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Thread: A follow up to Paula's post....

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    East Haven, Ct

    A follow up to Paula's post....

    The talk was about how slow it is around here. I'm sort of afraid to turn on the news...The latest was Boston...then last night I saw sink holes and mud slides in the Mid-West...where/when/what about that?? Explosion in Texas...what was that about??? I have been engrossed with Jodi Arias...who else has been watching that??? All I can think if is I bet her lawyers are sorry they took THIS case..what do you think????? What else have i missed in the news??? I was bumming b/c it seems like our weather patterns are changing and I'm not happy about that-- and Boston-- now even our society is changing, and not for the better..I'm starting to wonder what kind of a world my grandchildren will inherit. Does anyone else think about those things???

  2. #2

    Re: A follow up to Paula's post....

    Yes, you are so right. The world has just gotten so crazy. What would motivate someone to kill a bunch of innocent bystanders? Not that anyone should be a target for these freaks but why do they go after people who have no ill will towards them?
    And jobs?! My oldest grandchild will be looking for a job in a few short years and I fear for her prospects. Very scary.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada

    Re: A follow up to Paula's post....

    I had one of those weeks, too, where I worried about what we were leaving for our children and grandchildren. Lots of Earth Day talk at school was part of it too, as well as the crazy nutters out there intent on killing innocents. But I am trying to be a "Pollyanna" and think it will get better.

    October 2009 Bingo numbers are 6, 12, 18, 24, 31, 39, 54, 70, 82, 97

    My winning Bingo numbers 3 6 12 30 50 61 65 80 93 98 - I want to keep them in the hall of fame!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: A follow up to Paula's post....

    Have to tell you there are many days when I am glad I only ever had dogs. What a scary world it can be sometimes. Don't get me wrong I do try to see the good in our lives and not dwell on the negative. After a week like we have had it just gets to be a bit much to take.

    I also choose to think that we here are part of the solution not the problem. Don't we all send out happy mail to people just because it made us happy to create it? I know I have been the recipient of RAK's and always know there is good around us.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Western North Carolina

    Re: A follow up to Paula's post....

    You all have made great points. As I have gotten older I am glad that I don't have children/grandchildren because when these tragedy's strike I am not sure what I would say. I just told my hubby last night it is sure scary to think about going to any large gatherings as you never know what nut case is around but then there are the schools 99% of the time -safe but then it only takes one too strike fear for many.
    Then there is the new flu brewing that makes me want to hide my head in the sand etc....
    But as the others have said- most of the time it is a great place to be and there are many, many terrific people in the world. I have been blessed by those I have met- here and work, home, etc...

    My hubby has watched the Jodi trial but I haven't kept up with it, but sounds like both of those people has problems too but certainly can't justify murder I don't think.

    Again, I am glad we have the Shack as it as a happy, happy place with lots of good people who do good things!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: A follow up to Paula's post....

    I certainly do think about those things, especially that it happened right in my home state. Also relating to the areas of where the craziness had happened. Since I've been in those areas before.

    You just don't think such a thing can happen. As an adult I can't even understand how to comprehend such a horrific thing can occur, nevermind trying to explain it to my dd. I did watch the coverage here and there. When I did, I found myself crying. It was just to much to take.

    The boston marathon is a yearly event, it attracts people all around the world. Whether they were runners or spectators. Irregardless of the weather, Some run the race, just to run the race, others, run it for a charity. I hope not all is lost due the what has happened.

    I like Kathy's idea of sending out RAKs.

  7. #7

    Re: A follow up to Paula's post....

    Why shouldn't the lawyers like Jodie's case, All of us in Az are paying for the trial. That has to end - Today I got a Jury Summons, Thankfully I am over 70 and don't have to go. I have lived in Az for 14 years now and have been called 5 times. I have always wanted to say - I am a Psychic and I know how this trial will end. See if they would excuse me. My friend does that and is a Psychi. Oh well Until the laws tighten up a lot more things are going to keep happening- everyone feels they are allowed to do this or that or they have the right to say whatever they want. I am glad I am as old as I am. - Nancy

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    East Haven, Ct

    Re: A follow up to Paula's post....

    Yeah,,,speaking of Jodi's trial, I can't believe there are people running around like that!! Sometimes I think this country is too easy on these things. There doesn't seem to be any deterrent to these awful crimes. I just saw a show on tv where one young guy was sentenced to 17 years for a murder, then let out after 17 months. Makes me wonder, if we don't have enough room to house them we should build more prisons. Can't be more expensive than all these trials that we're all paying for. OR...we could put these people in uniform and ship
    em overseas to fight...why should our children go get maimed or killed while these people are sitting there with color tv, free medical, education, etc etc!!! Just doesn't seem right!! In some countries you steal, you get your hand cut off...you kill someone, then you die!!! There has to be a happy medium somewhere...just makes you wonder, no?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Western North Carolina

    Re: A follow up to Paula's post....

    Quote Originally Posted by Patty View Post
    Yeah,,,speaking of Jodi's trial, I can't believe there are people running around like that!! Sometimes I think this country is too easy on these things. There doesn't seem to be any deterrent to these awful crimes. I just saw a show on tv where one young guy was sentenced to 17 years for a murder, then let out after 17 months. Makes me wonder, if we don't have enough room to house them we should build more prisons. Can't be more expensive than all these trials that we're all paying for. OR...we could put these people in uniform and ship
    em overseas to fight...why should our children go get maimed or killed while these people are sitting there with color tv, free medical, education, etc etc!!! Just doesn't seem right!! In some countries you steal, you get your hand cut off...you kill someone, then you die!!! There has to be a happy medium somewhere...just makes you wonder, no?
    Patty I agree with you...what are the answers and yes why should we as taxpayers pay for something like this Jody Arias trial-think of the people in Arizona that could be helped with the $$$ in this thing. She should be locked away somewhere-we did away with most mental hospitals in NC but clearly some people need to be supervised 24/7 and not left on the streets.
    One thing that most disagree with me is that our jails/prisons are full of substance abusers- it doesn't cure them but we sure spend a lot to keep them-if they don't commit a crime against anyone but themseleves why should we pay to keep them/families up. Put them out and if they continue to abuse substances then soon they will not be anyone's problem. I know it is harsh but you can't keep people from harming themselves. You give them the tools to do so and if they don't get well then the best has been offered.

    I don't where we have gone wrong in this country but we are too easy on criminals.

  10. Re: A follow up to Paula's post....

    Paula, I agree mental health is one of our largest problems...and the shift after doing away with MH institutions has not been satisfactory. My concern with the drug abusers out of prisons and on the street is that they can seriously impact innocent people's lives mostly by stealing and some physical harm including death.

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